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湾区小诗人2.0 Poems for Transitions

五育并举云课堂 SGA Online Study









深外湾区学校中学部六年级(MYP Grade 6)刚刚结束的英语语言文学课程单元,围绕着“主题为‘转变’的诗”展开。同学们通过阅读和创作诗歌,探索诗之美,也强化了情感技巧(Affective skills)、沟通能力(Communication skills)和创意思维(Creative thinking skills)这三项IB学习方法(ATL)。



Grade 6 English language and literature have been exploring poetry about transitions. They have been developing their affective skills by reflecting on how poetry can help the poet and the reader to manage their emotions and come to new understandings. As we continue with online learning, writing, and reading poetry can help us to reflect on our current situation and our future.


Students explored the history, structure, and style of the haiku style of poetry and then used their creative thinking skills to create their own poem. We discussed how performance poets can communicate their message effectively and students made their own videos to share with an audience.


We hope you enjoy reading their poems.

Sunlight——by Alice 黄暄楹

Sunlight warms my heart

Leave all the worries behind

Enjoy the Sun bath

Spring——by Marco 刘海川

Like cherry blossoms,

Ever growing, ’til its stop,

You must keep learning.
Time——by Amy 罗曼

Time passing away

Like a leave falling from tree

Then life grow older

Life——By Christine 李乐贤

Complicated life,

Fun and brisk as summer days,

But harsh as winter.

Darkness——By David 廖东

Darkness filled the land,

Then light shined through once again.

The cycle of day.

Tree——By Leo 黄成彬

A young seed is born

It drank all water around

The seed grew taller

Moving to Shenzhen——by Raymond 黄俊睿

Geese migrating south,

Foraging deep in self-doubt,

I wake up here now.

To a New place——By Janice 何嘉怡

The wind comes, and blows

Blows the white Dandelion all away

To a whole new place.

IB学习方法 - 自我反思  ATL Reflection

完成了创作和分享,在单元学习结束之时,同学们还就这一阶段的学习反思总结,并评价了自己在创作过程中是如何运用对应的三种IB学习方法——创意思维(Creative thinking skills)、沟通能力(Communication skills)和情感技巧(Affective skills)。反思,是IB学习者目标中重要的一环,鼓励学生去思考:我学了什么?还有什么问题?下一步要做什么?

Students developed their reflection skills by completing a self-assessment and considering how they used specific ATL skills to write and perform it. We encourage the development of Reflection Skills so that they know how to consider the process of learning and to choose and use the appropriate ATL skills.

