首页新闻深圳数量最多!三个全国一等奖!湾区学子在Brain Bee脑科学竞赛斩获佳绩 First Prizes in Brain Bee

深圳数量最多!三个全国一等奖!湾区学子在Brain Bee脑科学竞赛斩获佳绩 First Prizes in Brain Bee


在2024年Brain Bee脑科学全国赛中





Congratulations to Elyn Wu, Leo Lin, and Jessica Chen for winning the First Prize in the 2024 China Brain Bee!

2024年Brain Bee脑科学全国活动于近日举办,深外湾区学子经过激烈角逐,在全国550名参赛选手中脱颖而出,共6人获全国奖项,其中3人荣获全国Junior组一等奖3人荣获全国Junior组三等奖。我校获得Brain Bee脑科学活动组织大奖,为深圳获全国Junior组一等奖数量最多的学校

SGA students have achieved excellent results in the 2024 China Brain Bee, with three winning the First Prize and three winning the Third Prize in the national round. SGA received the Brain Bee Organization Award. Let's congratulate the winners and cheer for SGA!



G7.3  吴一禾  Elyn Wu

G7.3  林靖涵  Leo Lin

G7.2  陈品洁  Jessica Chen


G8.2  任泽远  Ewan Ren

G8.2  张   策  Jason Zhang

G7.1  邓凯城  Tiger Deng

Brain Bee脑科学活动发源于美国,是一项面向全球青少年的课外挑战活动,活动由美国心理学协会、欧洲神经科学学会、神经科学学会、美国Dana基金会、国际脑学科研究组织和阿尔兹海默症协会联合主办。活动旨在鼓励学生认识、研究人类大脑,今后从事生物、医学、心理、化学、计算机、人工智能等相关专业的学习和工作,改善人类健康和生活水平。

Brain Bee Championship was originated in the United States and is an extracurricular challenge open to teenagers worldwide. The aim of the event is to encourage students to understand and explore the human brain, fostering their interest in pursuing studies and careers in fields such as biology, medicine, psychology, chemistry, computer science, artificial intelligence, and others related to improving human health and quality of life.

Neuroscience Center

Neuroscience Lecture

同学们在脑科学大赛中取得佳绩,离不开深(集团)对我校生物类竞赛的大力支持,以及学校在脑科学领域的普及教育和对学生科学素养的培养。我校在开设与脑科学相关的生物、化学、心理学等学科课程的基础上,更设有脑科学ASA和脑科学职业前沿课程,作为学校融合课程体系的一部分。学校曾与中科院深圳先进院脑所合作,在校园内投入建设了脑科学成长中心,并邀请脑科学领域专家进校园开展主题讲座,为同学们提供全方位学习探索脑科学知识的平台。希望湾区学子们以这次Brain Bee活动为新的起点,继续在探索大脑的道路上前行,成为我国未来脑科学领域的创新人才!

Congratulations to the fellow students for their achievements! This shows how SGA prioritizes neuroscience and scientific education. In addition to offering courses in biology, chemistry, psychology, and other neuroscience-related subjects, SGA provides neuroscience specialized courses in ASA as part of our integrated curriculum. Through collaborations with the Institute of Brain Science, SGA also established a specialized center dedicated to Neuroscience. Experts in the field were invited to conduct themed lectures, providing students with a comprehensive platform to learn and explore the knowledge of neuroscience. 

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