首页新闻寄宿学校协会BSA认证!走进SGA关顾中心 SGA is Now an Affiliate Member of BSA

寄宿学校协会BSA认证!走进SGA关顾中心 SGA is Now an Affiliate Member of BSA




SGA is delighted to receive our affiliate membership to the Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA). This prestigious organisation will give us access to resources used by the top schools around the world, and allow us to add our own unique characteristics, creating a boarding environment with the best of Chinese culture and world leading student development, while preparing our students for opportunities to excel both in and outside China.


Lobby and Lounge in Student Apartment

宿舍房间 Dormitory



课后体育锻炼 After-school Sports Activities

自助晚餐 Dinner


Birthday Party


Boarding Awards

晚自习 Evening Self-study

At SGA, we work hard to ensure that all the boarding students are happy, confident and secure. The boarding buildings are well-equipped, consists of double rooms and other convenient amenities such as a laundry room, a medical room and communal spaces. 

Boarding students follow a structured daily routine in school. Everyday from 6.30am, there are opportunities for them to exercise, socialise, study, and relax. Living on campus provides a valuable opportunity for our students to learn how to live amongst an extended peer group and enable students to develop new interests and skills in preparation for the wider world. 

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