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PYP Graduation Ceremony


On the morning of June 16th, SGA held a grand graduation ceremony for PYP Class of 2023. Teachers, students, and parents gathered in our Grand Theater, together witnessing the unforgettable moment when the fifth-grade students embarked on a new journey.

Best Wishes



The graduation ceremony began with the resounding national anthem and school song. The PYP Choir kicked off the event with an opening performance, offering their best wishes to the graduating students. All the fifth-grade students also prepared a special choir performance. They walked onto the stage, holding lights in their hands, and their touching voices paid homage to the school, the teachers, and the cherished friendships.

Sincere Messages


The five years of PYP have been a time of growth, where the graduates have encountered precious friendships and beautiful memories. As they approach the start of a new learning journey, our principals, parents, and teachers gather together to reminisce about the moments that made up their five years of school life.


Our School Director, Ms. Luka Liu, conveyed deep affection and sincerity towards the graduates in her speech. She expressed her genuine delight in witnessing their growth and development. Looking forward, Ms. Liu encouraged the students to not only be mature and responsible young adults but also to be self-disciplined, reflective scholars who embrace curiosity and critical thinking.


Yusuke’s mom Mrs. Li Yihua and Kevin’s mom Mrs. Wang Yanli delivered speeches as representatives of the parents. Mrs. Li expressed sincere gratitude to the dedicated teachers and school leaders who had put efforts into the students' growth. She also encouraged the students to carry forward their indomitable spirit into MYP.


As a parent who had shared a five-year journey with SGA, Mrs. Wang Yanli felt a mix of excitement and pride at this moment. She congratulated the students on successfully completing their PYP journey and expressed her hopes that they would unleash their potential to the fullest, realizing their dreams in MYP.


Our Head of Grade Ms. Lili Ma felt honored to have witnessed the growth and progress of each student in the fifth grade throughout the past year, and she genuinely felt proud of their achievements. In her message, she quoted Albert Einstein’s words “I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious,” to encourage the graduates to stay passionate and stay curious.


The fifth-grade students also had many words to share. Jason from G5.3, Andersen from G5.1, and Euphie from G5.2 gave speeches as student representatives. Andersen recalled various ASA he had attended, stating that his favorite one was the Spring Carnival.


Jason said he is ready to embrace the new challenges of MYP and looked forward to meeting all his classmates in Building E in the coming academic year.


Euphie, who had spent her entire primary school years at SGA, cherished the small vegetable garden in our campus and looked forward to the new friendships and diverse courses that awaited her in MYP.

Memorable Moments

典礼活动在毕业生的证书授予仪式中推向高潮,执行校长刘佳、学术校长Mr. Tom Kline、小学部课程协调员Ms. Eda为五年级毕业生们逐一颁发毕业证书,祝贺他们圆满完成小学课程。师生家长们合影留念,记录下这一难忘的时刻!

The ceremony reached its peak as the graduating students received their certificates. Our School Director Ms. Luka Liu, Head of School Mr. Tom Kline, and PYP Coordinator Ms. Eda handed out the graduation certificates to each Grade 5 student, congratulating them on completing their PYP journey. Teachers, students, and parents took photos to commemorate this special moment!






毕业典礼在小学部校长Mr. Elmer Reyes的闭幕致辞中落下帷幕。全体毕业生们再次齐聚台前,在倒数声中,一起将手中的毕业帽抛向空中,共同庆祝这段值得铭记的美好时光。

The graduation ceremony came to a close with a closing speech from Mr. Elmer Reyes, our Head of Primary. All the graduating students gathered once again on the stage and tossed their hats.


As we bid farewell to PYP, the fifth-grade students are about to embark on an even more exciting MYP journey. We hope that they will continue to demonstrate the qualities of an IB learner, keeping their passion and courage alive, and creating a more remarkable future.

• END • 


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