首页新闻从“好课堂”走向“好课程”(二)——湾区学校教职工培训 SGA Staff Professional Development

全体教职工培训 Staff PD



In order to comprehensively promote outstanding teaching classes at SGA and improve the quality of education and teaching, from November 11th to November 12th, our school launched a two-day staff professional development workshop.


Primary Team


来自蛇口国际学校的Ms.Leda Cedo、广东碧桂园学校的Ms.Josie Wang和来自广州誉莱德国际学校的Mr.Noah Beaumont 三位IB培训官分别为小学部全体教师带来了主题为:《实施能动性》和《构建未来》的专题工作坊。

Ms. Leda Cedo from Shekou International School, Ms. Josie Wang from Guangdong Country Garden School, and Mr. Noah Beaumont from Utahloy International School Guangzhou brought the different workshops to all teachers in the primary school: “Making the PYP Happen: Implementing agency” and “Building For the Future”.


Making the PYP Happen



“Making the PYP Happen” invites teachers to inquire into their own teaching practices and reflect on how they can develop the capabilities of a PYP (Primary Years Programme) teacher. By exploring the PYP framework, teachers connect how voice, choice and ownership is recognized and developed in all members of the IB community.


Building For the Future


刘佳校长、小学部副校长Mr. Elmer Reyes及部分具有多年教学经验的老师参加了《构建未来》专题工作坊。作为学校的管理者和教学团队的领导,如何使学校的教育保持在国际教育的前沿?如何重新制定适应我们学校社区的小学项目(PYP) 框架?老师们灵活运用小学课程(PYP)大纲,并根据自身的管理及教学经验,探讨了如何支持其他授课老师更好地在大纲的基础上进行拓展教学。

School Director Liu Jia, the Deputy Head of Primary Mr. Elmer Reyes and experienced PYP teachers participated in the "Building For the Future" workshop. How can my school stay at the forefront of international education? How to explore the flexibility of the enhanced PYP framework to better meet the needs of all students and stimulate opportunities for change? How to reimagine PYP in the school community? A deep understanding of the programme enables us to better support others with implementation.


Collaborative teaching



The teachers kept summarizing and reflecting on the difficulties and doubts encountered in teaching, and actively explored the latest IB teaching concepts in a bid to apply them to our education practice.



After high-frequency classroom practice and brainstorming, all the teachers in the primary school conducted an interdisciplinary collaborative lesson preparation on the afternoon of the last day of the training.


Training Reflection



培训导师Mr. Beaumont分享的独特的教学解析、真实的教学案例及深刻的教学反思不断激励我用成长型思维及批判性思维及时反思自己的教学经历。IB教学过程中,学生是课堂活动的参与者更是探究话题的引导者。老师通过收集、记录学生的问题了解学生真正关心和感兴趣的话题,在符合跨学科主题的前提下,按照学生的兴趣爱好设计活动,进一步加深学生对探究主题的理解。

Learning from sharing! I really enjoyed last week’s in-school IB PD with colleagues together. The PD presenter Mr. Beaumont shared his understanding of IB according to his personal teaching experience, demonstrating how it’s important for teachers to develop a growth mindset as a facilitator. I was deeply impressed by his self-reflection on his previous teaching about helping students taking agency throughout learning process even though with imperfectness.

在获取专业知识的同时, 我还从本次培训的多项活动中获得灵感,为下一单元(标志与符号)的教学活动提供了不同的探究思路。例如,我们可以利用Mr. Beaumont使用的“指南针”活动帮助学生进行自我反思。这一活动既是有效的自我评价工具同时又紧扣探究主题,在学生发挥主观能动性和创新性的基础上用符号的形式展现自己对该探究单元学习的反思。

I was also inspired by Mr. Beaumont and created new activities for our coming Unit of Inquiry. For example, the compass activity was used in one reflective activity which reminded me of our next UOI topic--signs and symbols. We can also modify the activity according to student's needs as a self-assessment tool to design their own compass with four directions they are going to reflect on.

Thanks for this PD inspiring me as an IB teacher and learner as well.


--马莉莉 Lili Ma





Thank you SGA for making this training happen. It was a great opportunity for me to experience what is it like to be an IB student, because Leda delivered the training in a perfectly “IB” way. By engaging in all the thinking, discussing, sharing, reflecting, and growing, I got to experience what our students experience every day in their learning cycle, which would be beneficial for my future teaching design now that I am more empathetic with my students. Leda has used a variety of activities during the session, all of which could be used in real classes. She even read books to us to encourage us to read more to our children.


At the beginning of the training, we had a fun activity writing down our own best and worst learning moments. Combining everyones results, we came to a conclusion that there are two elements that determine learning experience: curriculum and teacher. Students prefer meaningful, intriguing, and useful lessons which make them feel self-achieved. They also like teachers who are respectful, understanding, inspirational, and encouraging instead of judgmental or obsessive with scores. I was inspired to be a teacher who can positively impact my students, let them realize their self-values, and find their passions in life.

另一个很深的体验就是通过Leda的言传身教,我明白了IB课程的核心:inquiry-based的教学应该包括什么环节,以及怎么引导学生完成一个inquiry-based learning的闭环,这对他们的终身成长都是有意义和帮助的。对我来说,下一步的努力方向是,如何通过简洁的问题设计和灵活的课程活动来引导一年级的学生,让他们通过发现问题、提出问题、并通过老师的引导来寻找资源和解决办法,以享受其中的乐趣,并逐渐养成inquirer的思维方式。

Another important lesson for me is to walk through the core of IB curriculum: the inquiry-based teaching model.  Leda has showed us throughout her training how to incorporate this method as a closed-loop system in daily teaching and learning. The inquiry mindset would be lifelong beneficial for the students. Therefore, the next steps for me are to learn to use concise questions to guide my grade-one students to spot and ask questions, to look for resources and solutions to their problems with teacher support, while also enjoying being an inquirer.


--黄琦茵 Olivia Huang


Workshops are a great way to get some focused perspective. I appreciate Noah sharing his knowledge with us on the first day, but I especially appreciate him asking us what we needed more guidance on.


The second day was really helpful and informative. He chose to tackle parts of teaching IB that I think a lot of us want to continue to grow in. As IB teachers, we think of these fun lessons for our students, but sometimes these lessons don't engage our students because they are simple tasks very similar to ones they have done in years past. Also, our fun activities sometimes hold no meaning to the bigger picture. Noah took the time help us think outside of the box. He assured us that we can create activities that help create valid and meaningful connections to the unit, and require very little work from the side of the teacher.


He also prompted us to think about how the summatives that we create for students show action that students will remember and can leave a mark. I appreciate that Noah inserted himself into our conversations and planning without overwhelming and overpowering us.



--Jena Prather


Part of the joys and challenges that come with an IB education is how it is transdisciplinary, and student led. Transdisciplinary is a fancy word that can be simplified to the following: taking different features from other subjects and integrating them into one theme or idea. This helps provide connections and common language for your child in some of the subjects that have a common theme that fit.

IB 教育带来的部分乐趣和挑战在于它是跨学科教学同时以学生为主导的。跨学科是一个崭新的词,可以简化为:从其他学科中提取不同的特征,并将它们整合到一个主题或想法中。这有助于为您的孩子在一些具有共同主题的科目中提供联系和共同语言。


Student agency is another component of an IB education. What we learned in our workshop was how to empower students through inquiry and to ensure we are doing inquiry as well as adding in some student agency.

学生主导是IB 教育的另一个组成部分。我们在研讨会上学到的是如何通过探究赋予学生权力,并确保我们在进行探究的同时加入一些学生主导的机会。

There are many ways to see if inquiry is happening and one way we learned is to have chart in our classroom and an inquiry police role where a student is in charge of regulating whether we did inquiry in our classroom that day. Attached is an example photo that attempts to chart an example the inquiry process, taken directly from the PYP handbook in IB and used in our Making PYP Happen workshop. A student would look at this chart and then ask the class if we completed some of these tasks and mark it accordingly on the chart. This not only empowers students, but also illustrates to the class what inquiry is. In order to ensure understanding occurs with the chart, it is important that it is made into child friendly language that is appropriate for students' language abilities in our classrooms.

有很多方法可以检验探究是否在课堂中进行,我们学到的其中一种方法是在我们的教室里放图表和指派一个像“警察”一样起到监督作用的角色,学生“警察”负责监督我们当天的教学是否进行了探究活动。底下是一张示例照片,它展示了探究过程的示例并被广泛运用于IB 的 PYP手册,并在我们的“让 PYP 发生”研讨会中使用。学生在课上看这个图表,然后问全班同学我们是否完成了其中的一些任务,并在图表上做相应的标记。这不仅可以增强学生的能力,还可以向全班同学展示什么是探究。为了确保学生理解图表,还要将其制作成适合我们课堂中使用的儿童语言。


--Matthew Kloosterman


本次培训我学习到了老师在课堂中的示范作用。IB的核心在于以学生为中心、以学生问询为中心,但老师的引导是不可或缺的。老师如何提出有效的问题、给出有效的指引来引导学生探究思考是我一贯的难题和探索方向,Ms. Leda在培训中给予了我答案。

How to ask effective questions or give effective instructions to provoke students’ thinking? That is a question for beginner teachers. During the PD, I found the answer to this question.

老师应该在每节课中确定当堂课的语言,该语言应该是学术的且符合教学语境的。确定好语言后老师在行课过程中应该一直示范该学术语言, 以便让学生耳濡目染地学习;老师在提问的时候也应避免啰嗦重复的语言,应根据IB核心概念的模式来简洁地设问,从而引领学生进行直击重点的思考。

Ms. Leda, Our workshop lead, suggested teachers model the academic language within each lesson for students to hear, to understand and to apply. Also, when asking students questions, it is advised that teachers follow the structure of IB key concepts instead of randomly asking lengthy questions.


--何佩珊 Sharleen He



The most important thing to learn to be a teacher is the pace of learning and growth. Under the advocacy of the concept of lifelong learning of IB and the guidance of Ms. Wang, a senior trainer of IB, I feel like a small fish finally swimming into the sea. I not only find my peers, but also fully appreciate the charm of IB education and look forward to the broad prospects of IB teaching.

IB的使命是“培养勤学好问、知识渊博、富有爱心的年轻人,他们通过对多元文化的理解和尊重,为开创更美好、更和平的世界贡献力量。”基于这一目标,王老师根据自己多年的教学管理经验,带我们系统认识了“国际文凭培养者”的十大目标,超学科学习的六大主题,七大超学科概念,五类学习方法以及建构超学科的探究单元的方法。根据SGA IB中文课的实际情况,我们也跟老师探讨了将中文学科无缝整合到探究单元中的多种方式。

The mission of IB is to "cultivate inquisitive, knowledgeable and caring young people who contribute to creating a better and more peaceful world through their understanding and respect for multiculturalism." based on this goal, Ms. Wang, based on their many years of teaching management experience, led us to systematically understand the ten goals of "International Diploma trainers", Six themes of interdisciplinary learning, seven interdisciplinary concepts, five kinds of learning methods and the method of constructing interdisciplinary inquiry unit. According to the actual situation of SGA IB Chinese course, we also discussed with teachers various ways to seamlessly integrate Chinese subjects into the inquiry unit, so as to illuminate the larger overall purpose.

老师的讲解和小组的头脑风暴、交流展示,打开了我的思维,作为IB PYP中文老师,我们有责任通过语言学习,将国际情怀融入教与学,利用超学科概念这七把钥匙,让学生成长为既积极进取又富有同情心的终身学习者。

Through the teacher's explanation and the group's communication, I also have a deeper understanding and Reflection on my own teaching. As IB PYP Chinese teachers, we have the responsibility to integrate international feelings into teaching and learning through language learning, and make use of the seven keys of interdisciplinary concepts to make students grow into active and compassionate lifelong learners.


---刘玲玲 Lingling Liu


Secondary PD



The secondary staff has been trained in classroom management, teaching strategies. In July of this year, our school became an authorized school for the IB-MYP programme as well as a candidate school for the IB-DP programme. In order to fully prepare for the teaching of grades 10-12, the teachers in the middle school not only review and reflect on the past, but also plan and deploy the school's future high school teaching in advance.

The IB International Curriculum advocates the cultivation of life-long learners. As a teacher, only by continuous growth and continuous exploration can we bring better education to children.


Training Reflection


During the day-to-day school week, when you are marking papers, working with students, adjusting your unit, it's easy to forget that we are just beginning to grow SGA. 


Professional Development over the last Thursday and Friday was a chance to not only review the fundamentals of what makes a school great but to plan ahead for the years to come. 


Classroom management and new teaching strategies were covered and always welcomed, but the biggest excitement came when Mr.McCallum and Mrs Greaves plotted the future of SGA, and how the school grows from its MYP base, into year 10, and ultimately the DP classes. The excitement of plotting the coming years, helped us realize how important the here and now is.

Setting the tone and tenor, the foundation and future course of the students in 2021-22 is just the beginning of making SGA a school that others will look at and want to emulate.

课堂管理和新的教学策略是培训的重点,但最让我印象深刻的是Mr.McCallum和Ms.Greaves规划了 SGA 的未来,以及学校如何从 MYP 发展到DP。计划未来几年的确令人感到兴奋,也帮助我们意识到此时此刻脚踏实地的重要性。


--Tim Percevecz


The MYP teachers spent 2 days learning about the future of MYP and DP at our school.  We will be growing dramatically in the next few years and the teachers spent the time today learning about that future.  


MYP Personal Project, MYP E-assessments, and DP Extended Essay were all discussed and the teachers are looking forward to preparing the students for these excited opportunities for growth.  It will be a lot of work, but it will also be very rewarding for those hard-working students who will build up their skills and knowledge.  

我们讨论了MYP的单科项目、MYP 评估体系和DP扩展论文,老师们期待着让学生为这些激动人心的成长机会做好准备。这将是大量的工作,但对于那些将建立技能和知识的勤奋学生来说,必将受益匪浅。

Just as the great athlete Stephen Curry said, "Success is not an accident, success is a choice."



--Samuel Holland Lovetro



To develop great teaching at Shenwai , it is necessary to integrate the concepts, methods and values of the international curriculum. The goal of SGA is to become a pioneering model school with Chinese characteristics and global influence. We should not only adhere to cultural self-confidence, but also emancipate educational ideas, expand curriculum horizons, form an international curriculum vision, integrate Eastern and Western curriculum concepts, methods and values, and form a diverse and integrated curriculum system with SGAs unique characteristics.s unique characteristics.