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IB PYP SCN Job Alike

3月11日,主题为“CONNECT!”的2023年春季IB PYP华南联盟Job Alike研讨会在深圳外国语学校(集团)湾区学校盛大召开。

时隔3年,作为华南IB教育工作者相互交流和学习的绝佳机会,Job Alike终于再次回到线下。来自全国各地PYP学校的数百名IB教育工作者齐聚深外湾区学校,参加了由33名资深IB教育工作者共同主持的25场工作坊和会议,围绕IB教育教学中的各种主题交流分享。

Shenzhen Foreign Languages GBA Academy is proud to host the PYP Coordinators South China Network Job Alike Spring 2023 entitled, “Connect!”

After 3 years, it is the first time again that the network was able to have a face-to-face Job Alike as an opportunity for IB educators in the South China Network to connect and learn from one another.

There was a total of 25 sessions hosted by 33 educators and school leaders from different IB PYP schools. The variety of topics presented allowed for collaborative discussions and sharing of best practices in learning and teaching.




After all, one of the great things about being an IB school is the constant professional development of its educators and ensuring that lifelong learning is a school culture that is embodied not just by the students but by all stakeholders in the school community.

作为本次PYP华南联盟研讨会活动的承办方,深外湾区学校有着多年的IB教育经验和成熟的IB体系。IB PYP华南联盟联合主席:我校PYP课程协调员Ms. Eda Go和Ms. Ashely Yao,以及PYP华南联盟的其他成员共同筹备了此次活动。

在研讨会开幕式上,湾区学校执行校长刘佳、学术校长Mr. Tom Kline以及小学部校长Mr. Elmer Reyes对来自全国各地的校长、PYP课程协调员和老师致以欢迎和问候。G3.2的张云帆Freddy同学和G4.1的罗诗夫Joseph同学也用精彩的架子鼓和独唱表演迎接了华南联盟的一众成员。


IB PYP华南联盟联合主席Ms. Eda Go和Ms.Ashley Yao和大家分享了对研讨会活动的期待,也对协助组织活动的其他PYP课程协调员以及湾区学校教职工致以了诚挚感谢。


In this event, we started with an opening ceremony to welcome all the teachers with a performance by our own students, Joseph Luo from G4.1 and Freddy Zhang from 3.2. Ms. Luka Liu, our School Director,  Mr. Tom Kline, our Head of School, and Mr. Elmer Reyes, our Head of Primary, warmly welcomed all the teachers into our school campus.

Ms. Eda Go and Ms. Ashley Yao (Co-chair of IB PYP South China Network) shared with everyone what to expect throughout the day and also thanked all the co-organizers and staff who have worked tirelessly to make sure everything is in place for the success of the event.


Throughout the day, teachers were able to join 5 different sessions about different topics of their choice including joining the “Connect Room” wherein they can have a dialogue with teachers of the same subject/ field or interest. During the breaks, the teachers enjoyed their coffee from KOFU Espresso and live music by our very own, DJ 三 Q (Mr.J -Homeroom Teacher of 5.1). Some teachers also joined the fun sports events in the afternoon which was a great way to bond with one another.

We left this event in high spirits feeling inspired from the things we learned from one another and the people we had an opportunity to connect with!

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