首页新闻浮舟沧海 立马昆仑 吾有所爱 其名中华——SGA中学部中华文化月系列活动 Secondary School Events


MYP Events

“一拍到底 竞知百晓”


Chinese Culture Knowledge Contest

中华文化海纳百川、博大精深,而又历久弥新。在初赛激烈的角逐之后,四个学院分别选出了四名同学参加最终的决赛,他们在各学院的参赛家长、中外方教师、场下同学以及 “场外家长帮帮团”的帮助下,回答了关于中国历史、中国地理、传统文化、中国文学等方面的问题,从 “洛阳纸贵”的典故由来,到 电影“杀青”与传统竹筒制作的关系探求,SGA全体社群成员共同竞帆于中华文化长河之上。最终,Black Tortoise代表队取得了知识竞赛的胜利。



After the fierce competition in the preliminary round, four students from each house were selected to participate in the final round of Chinese Culture Knowledge Contest. They answered questions about Chinese history, Chinese geography, Chinese traditional culture, Chinese literature and Know about China with the help of parents, expat and Chinese teachers, audience and online parents helping group from each house. In the end, Black Tortoise won the contest.


Chinese Character Art Exhibition






Chinese characters are profound and interesting. SGA students explored the art and fun of Chinese characters with unlimited creativity. They spelled out the eight trigrams in oracle bone script, made wind-bells of the twelve zodiac signs in gold script, wrote bookmarks of the 24 solar terms in small seal script, wrote "Ding Feng Bo" in official script, wrote Tang poems and Song lyrics in regular script, embellished red fan with running script, wrote New Year wishes in cursive script.

On the opening day, interesting characters activities attracted teachers and students to participate actively. They used pen and ink to write New Year wishes, tried the ancient movable type printing technology, a lot of fun games to make the ancient hieroglyphics new life.



Chinese Debate Tournament


辩论赛共三场,辩题均围绕学生的生活和学习展开。辩论赛决赛围绕着“如何规划自己的未来”展开,辩题为“在申请大学的过程中,选择专业时应该根据个人爱好还是根据社会需求?”经过唇枪舌战的辩论,Black Tortoise队最终获得冠军,White Tiger队获得亚军;G10黄婉扬Sarah、G9瞿昊正Hanson、G8黎汛仁Yanny表现优秀,获得优秀辩手。志在心中,路在脚下,辩论让我们思维更加敏捷,看待问题更加客观理性,每一个努力的今朝都是为了造就更好的未来,在大家的掌声中辩论赛圆满落幕。



Debate is an art. In order to improve the overall quality of students, focus on developing students' core literacy, and cultivate integrated and innovative talents with broad and deep comprehensive literacy and distinctive and outstanding personality strengths, the first debate competition of SGA was held as scheduled at the beginning of the New Year.



There were three debates, all of which focused on students' lives and studies. Our topic of the finals of this debate is about our future, The topic is “in the process of applying for college, should you choose your major based on personal interests or social needs?” After a heated debate, the Red Rose Finch won the championship, and the White Tiger team won second place. G10 Sarah, G9 Hanson, and G8 Yanny performed well and were awarded Outstanding Debaters. The will is in your heart, the road is under your feet. The debate makes us think more quickly and look at the problems more objectively and rationally, and every effort of this day is to make a better future. The debate ended successfully with the applause of everyone.


MYP Awards Ceremony

2023年1月19日,湾区学校执行校长刘佳、学术校长Mr. Tom Kline、中学部校长Dr. Joseph、中学部副校长Mr. Simpson及全体中学部师生齐聚一堂,在轻松愉悦的气氛中举行了中学部中华文化月颁奖典礼。在颁奖典礼上,主持人李锦婷老师与滕飞老师宣布了所有在中华文化月系列活动中获奖的学生名单,同时也播放了优秀获奖作品。

其中六年级黄奕诚同学极具创意的作品”王昌龄的一生”再一次收获了大家的欢笑和掌声。刘佳校长、Mr. Kline、Dr. Joseph、Mr. Simpson和Ms. Penny为获奖同学颁发了奖状和奖品,鼓励他们再接再厉!尽管2023年中华文化月系列活动拉下帷幕,但中华文化仍在源远流长的进程中,我们都是其中飞跃的、兴奋的朵朵浪花,为汇聚成河的悠久贡献一份力量。



On 19 January 2023, our School Director Ms. Luka Liu, Head of School Tom Kline, Head of Secondary Dr. Joseph, Deputy Head of Secondary Mr. Simpson and all MYP students and teachers gathered for the Secondary Chinese Culture Month Awards Ceremony. During the ceremony, Ms. Li and Mr.Teng announced winners of the Chinese Culture Month activities and showed the outstanding winning entries, including the extremely creative work "The Life of Wang Changling" by Bobby Huang Yicheng from G6, which won the laughter and applause from everyone. Then the School Director Ms. Luka Liu, Mr. Kline, Dr. Joseph, Mr. Simpson and Ms. Penny presented certificates and prizes to all the winners and encouraged them to keep progressing! Although the 2023 Chinese Culture Month Series Activities come to an end. Chinese culture is still in the process of the long and broad history, in which we are a part of it and we're supposed to contribute.


MYP Awards


湾区小诗人 First Prize

G7.2 罗曼 Amy Luo 《飞鸟》

G9.1 连欣然 Rhane Lian 《秋千》

G9.2 魏时雨 Ally Wei 《渔家傲·观山林》

G10 曾晶 Amy Zeng 《绝响》 

优秀小诗人 Second Prize

G6.2 赵心睿 Ray Zhao 《水》

G7.1 侯周成 Jerry Hou 《落叶》

G7.2 胡杨 Dora Hu 《开端》

G8.1 黎汛仁  Yanny Lai 《打碎生活》

G9.2 耿雅琪 Rosemary Geng 《水调歌头》

G10 李明达 Mida Li 《叹疫》


团体一等奖 Group First Prize


G6.1 黄奕诚 Bobby Huang

G6.1 刘星辰 King Liu

团体三等奖 Group Third Prize


G6.1 吴一禾 Elyn Wu

G6.3 欧聿书 Judy Ou

G6.1李梓菲 Alisa Li


G9.2 魏时雨 Ally Wei

G9.1 张起睿 John Zhang

G9.2 瞿浩正Hanson Qu

G9.2 郑嘉豪 Jason Zheng

个人一等奖Individual First Prize


G10 黄婉扬 Sarah Huang

个人二等奖Individual Second Prize


G9.2 温子钰 Dora Wen


G9.2 范玥宜 Nicole Fan


一等奖/First Prize

G7.1 黄暄楹 Alice Huang 《某一道斜射的阳光》

二等奖/Second Prize

G7.1 张策 Jason Zhang《哀祖国之泪》

三等奖/Third Prize

G6.1 林恺琪 Cathy Lin 《面朝大海 春暖花开》

G7.1 侯周成 Jerry Hou 《迷茫》

G7.1 杨子南 Thomas Yang 《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》


一等奖/First Prize

G7 黄浩乔 Candice Huang 

G7 吴泽尘 Serina Wu 

G8 宛依诺 Tracy Wan

二等奖/Second Prize

G6 陈品洁 Jessica Chen

G6 吴一禾 Elyn Wu

G7 李牧歌 Melody Li

G7 郑嘉恩 Janey Zheng

G7 任泽远 Ewan Ren

G8 刘钦怡 Kido Liu

G8 古浩然 Eason Gu

G10 龚奕锦 Milky Gong



林靖涵 Leo Lin


黄浩乔 Candice Huang 

吴泽尘 Serina Wu 

郑嘉恩 Janey Zheng

赵青枢 Arthur Zhao 

李晓萌 Jenny Li 

敖斯雅 Eulalia Ah 

郑茗舟 Jojo Zheng    


宛依诺 Tracy Wan

刘钦怡 Kido Liu


麦浡 Jason Mai 

陈泓睿 Ryan Chen 

温子钰 Dora Wen 

高翊萱 Ava Gao   


李浩辰 William Li 

李明达 Mida Li 

赵雨瑄 Ashling Zhao 

陈相印 Emily Chen


一等奖/First Prize

Black Tortoise

G6.3 丁俊豪 Junhao Ding 

G7.1 陈泓睿 Ryan Chen

G7.2 孟思多 Felix Meng

G9.1 王曦立 Ethan Wang

孟青山先生 Mr. Meng

Mr. Simpson

二等奖/Second Prize:

Blue Dragon

G7.1 梁康俊 Ike Liang

G7.2 王若钦 Roger Wang

G10  龚奕锦 Milky Gong

G9.2 王一涵 Sophie Wang

郭韦彤老师 Ms. Guo

Mr. Kloosterman

三等奖/Third Prize

White Tiger

G6.3 林靖涵 Leo Lin

G6.1 李梓菲 Alisa Li

G7.2 胡杨 Dora Hu

G10 李明达 Mida Li

莫建辉女士 Ms. Mo

Mr. Sam

四等奖/Fourth Prize

Red Rose Finch

G8.2 杨亚衡 Thomas Yang

G8.2 周艺珣 Michelle Zhou

G9.1 连欣然  Rhane Lian

G10  黄婉扬 Sarah Huang

杨静逸老师 Ms. Jeannie

Dr. Joseph

“律回春渐,新元肇启” 第一届辩论赛

冠军/First Prize

Red Rose Finch

亚军/ Second Prize 

White Tiger


G10.1 黄婉扬 Sarah Huang

G9.2 瞿昊正 Hanson Qu

G8.1 黎汛仁 Yanny Lai


Black Tortoise


The vast China, with its rivers flowing through the ages, is as rising as the sun and as constant as the moon. The brilliant Chinese culture is like a surging river, and the great Chinese national spirit is like a magnificent historical scroll. Through the "Chinese Culture Month" series of activities, children can enjoy the glorious traditional culture of the Chinese nation in the strong Chinese cultural atmosphere, feel the spirit of the Chinese nation's self-improvement, and draw the strength to go to the international stage from the unique charm of poetry and songs. May all SGA students can tell a good story of Chinese civilization based on the motherland and show the world a calm and confident image of Chinese youth.

 • END •