首页新闻湾畔春风至 植树正当时|Arbor Day: Cultivating a Greener Future

湾畔春风至 植树正当时|Arbor Day: Cultivating a Greener Future


In order to further enhance the environmental awareness and love for nature among young people, and actively engage them in the ecological development of the community, as well as the greening and beautification of our campus, SGA organized several tree planting activities in the month of March.


Primary School Activities

3月9日,伴着如丝春雨,小学部校长Mr. Elmer Reyes、团委杨静逸老师、学生处刘玲玲老师与小学部5年级学生代表共同种下小学毕业树。植树现场忙碌而有序,同学们挥锹铲土、压实新土、细心浇灌,不久后,一株株高山榕树便定居在了校园里。植树结束时,太阳也从乌云中露出了笑脸,新栽的树苗在和煦的春风中迎风招展,为校园增添了一抹盎然生机。

On March 9th, accompanied by a gentle spring drizzle, our Head of Primary Mr. Elmer Reyes, Primary School teachers Ms. Jeannie and Ms. Lingling joined some of the 5th-grade students in planting trees to commemorate their near graduation from Primary School. The newly planted tress danced gracefully in the warm spring breeze, adding a touch of vibrant vitality to our campus.


Secondary School Activities


On March 12th, the day of Arbor Day, the 8th and 10th-grade student representatives worked together to plant trees. They began the process by digging holes, placing the tree in the hole, filling the soil, and watering them. Every step of the process was carried out with utmost care and diligence. Through their practical actions, the students advocated for a green, environmentally friendly, and ecological mindset.


The 7th-grade student representatives also led their younger peers from Primary School in watering the plants in the campus.


Trees embody our celebration of a beautiful life and our hope for a greener future. We hope that through the participation in tree planting activities, students will strengthen the awareness of protecting and cherishing the environment, and make positive contributions to the construction of a beautiful and harmonious campus.