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Music · Drama · ASA





Grade 1-音乐节奏

G1的学生对音乐节奏表达进行了深入探索。他们了解了音乐的不同节拍认识了拍号,并尝试使用所学的不同时值的音符进行主题音乐节奏作品的创编同时,他们也学习了 “身体打击乐” 多角度的音乐节奏表达,试图在演唱新西兰儿歌《Epo I Tai Tai E》时通过打击身体不同部位进行伴奏。

G1 students explored the expression of music rhythm. They understood different beats, time signatures, and tried to use different note values to compose theme rhythmic music. Meanwhile, they also learned the expression of Body Percussion”. They tried to add some body percussion movements while singing the New Zealand nursery rhyme “Epo I Tai Tai E”.

Grade 2-非洲&巴西音乐


G2 students travelled to the music worlds of Africa and Brazil. Through the appreciation of music and musical performances of Africa and Brazil, G2 explored the features, styles, and instrument of both music cultures. Meanwhile, they discussed the influence of the environment and society on the formation of music culture. They also learned some nursery rhymes to deeply experience different musical cultures and created poster to introduce African music to parents. At the end of the unit, they will be open-minded to the arts and music from different cultures, places, and times and have a good understanding of African and Brazilian music. 

Grade 3-全球音乐


G3 entered the unit of World Music. They first explored the music of five representative countries (China, Japan, India, Africa, and Italy) in groups by looking up audio and video resources (See the pictures below). After that, with the guidance of teacher, they listened to and appreciated folk music from different countries and sung some folk songs in different languages. At the same time, the students deeply explored a variety of traditional musical instruments from different cultures. They chose a musical instrument they were most interested in, and introduced it from three perspectives including cultural background, timber, and structure. 

Grade 4 & 5 -巴洛克时期的音乐文化


Grade 4 and 5 back to Baroque period. They mainly explored music and art in Baroque period by inquiring about historical background, the relationship between visual arts and music, the music style, composer, masterpiece, instrument, and dance. Furthermore, through observing the influence of environment, culture, and society on the formation of the music, they discussed how people used music and art to communicate in Baroque period. They drew a listening map to analyse music and help themselves understand the elements and structure of music. At the same time, they further experienced Baroque music through learning and performing the music and dance of Baroque period.  

MYP Music


七年级学生探索了音乐创作的节奏元素。他们在 “Stomp out loud” 这一单元中探究了如何在日常生活中发现音乐元素。同学们谱写了自创的固定音型节奏作品(ostinato rhythm composition),并且试着用随处可见的生活用品来模仿打击乐器,演奏自己的创作成果。

The 7th graders have explored and created rhythmic element of music. Our unit ‘Stomp out loud’ examines how music can be found everywhere using everyday things such as a cup, a pen, a desk, etc. The students created their own ostinato rhythm composition, which is a repeated musical rhythm. They then explored different non-traditional percussion instruments around their house to perform their ostinato rhythm along with the music of their choice.



The 8th graders concluded their music rotations with online learning by composing a song that connects to their identity. The students have used multiple musical elements to express their personal and cultural identities in their compositions. For example, the students were encouraged to ask how they can portray ‘their love for dogs’ through music. Would the notes get faster and louder to engage in excitement for the dog? Could a composer create a barking sound using a specific rhythm and bass? The exploration of musical elements to have the specific purpose of communication related to their identity engaged the students as meaningful composers.  

MYP Drama-莎士比亚的戏剧世界


In drama class, MYP entered the world of Shakespeare by studying and performing two plays, Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. First, they learned about Shakespeare’s biography and his four tragedies and four plays. Then, by means of understanding the scripts of “Hamlet” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, analyzing the characters in the plays, reading the Chinese and English lines, training the Sheng (voice) Tai (lines) and the Xing (body) Biao (performance), Students have mastered how to express with body and language. More importantly, they experienced the charm of drama performance and gained the confidence of performing. This unit not only improved students’ drama appreciation ability but also helped students to explore different way of drama performance. 

ASA Orchestra-线上乐团


During the epidemic, the students and teachers of SGA orchestra actively engaged in online teaching and learning. The orchestra teachers assigned the tasks for students to practice at home, and also sent the practice requirements and key points in detail. The students followed the instructions to practice at home. They sent their practice videos to the orchestra teachers to review. The teachers also given feedback and suggestions on the practice videos to support students.  
