首页新闻做世界公民,从敬老开始A Citizen of the World, Start from Respecting the Old

     一元肇始,天高“九重”。中华人民共和国人大常委会规定:每年农历九月初九重阳节为老年节,重阳节是中国传统节日,也是首批国家非物质文化遗产,传承至今。今年的重阳节恰逢联合国成立75 周年,全球人口面临的老龄化问题也是联合国关注的重点问题之一。联合国在《不断变化的人口统计》议题中提到,“老年人(65岁以上)今天构成了世界上增长最快的年龄组。在全球范围内,2018年老年人人数首次超过五岁以下儿童,到2050年,老年人人数将超过青少年和青年(15至24岁)。”

      “具备全球视野”是深外湾区学校倡导的价值观,我们提倡带给学生多元的文化体验。作为一所多元融合学校,会通中西,融于当下,为本土学生强化国际素养,为外籍学生强化中国文化学习。 本周开始,深外湾区学校将围绕重阳节暨联合国成立75周年举办专题系列活动,弘扬中国传统文化,践行多元融合的教育理念。

Double Ninth is a traditional Chinese Festival. It is also one of the first items rated as National Intangible Cultural Heritage. This year’s Double Ninth Festival coincides with the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. Aging of population is also one of the main issues that the UN focuses on. In the topic of "Shifting Demographics", the UN says that older persons (ages 65 and above) today comprise the world’s fastest growing age group. Globally, for the first time in 2018, older persons outnumbered children under the age of five, and by 2050, older persons will outnumber adolescents and youth (ages 15 to 24).
  I'm At the Shenzhen Foreign Languages GBA Academy, we actively provide students with diverse cultural experience, which aligns the school’s value of “Global Mindfulness”. As a diversified and integrated school, it integrates China and the West and integrates into the present, strengthening international literacy for local students and strengthening Chinese culture study for foreign students. On this account, the school would like to host a series of Double Ninth events to promote traditional Chinese culture and practice moral education.


Speech under the National Flag



Good morning, everyone. I am Lian Xinran from Grade 7. My topic today is: Respect the Old and Promote Virtue.


Speaking of respecting the elderly, I can't help thinking of the upcoming Double Ninth Festival. The Chongyang Festival on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month is a traditional Chinese festival. "Nine" is the yang number in the Book of Changes, and the two yang numbers of "Nine Nine" are the same, so it is called "Chongyang". In folklore concepts, "nine" and "jiu" are homonyms, and they are the largest numbers, so they have the meaning of "longevity". In 2012, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress officially designated the Double Ninth Festival as the Elderly's Day. So far, the combination of traditional Chinese virtues and modern morals has further highlighted that "respecting and loving the old" is a virtue that has been shining throughout the Chinese nation since ancient times.


"Respecting and loving the elderly", as the wording implies, refers to respecting and caring for the elderly. The elderly have created the happy present for us, who are worthy of our respect and love.


Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has a fine tradition of respecting and loving the old. In the "Book of Songs" more than three thousand years ago, there was already a verse of "sorrowing for my parents and giving birth to me." In the ancient Chinese Confucian work "The Book of Filial Piety", Confucius said, "A husband's filial piety is also the rule of heaven, the righteousness of the earth is also the righteousness of man," expressing the view that filial piety is the righteousness of heaven and earth. Bai Juyi, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, once compared Ciwu, namely the crow, to a filial son in his poem "The Crow’s Night Cry". While regretting that he did not perform his filial piety in time, he urged people to do his filial piety to avoid that "parents pass away before their children have a chance to repay".



First of all, we should start by accompanying and caring for the elderly around us. In today's society, the pace of life is getting faster and faster, people are becoming more and more busy, so the old people are getting more and more lonely. We should be aware of this and take more time to accompany, care for, and help the elderly. Hear more of their stories, accompany them to "remember the past and rich years", and listen to their advice. Every suggestion from them is the accumulation of their decades of life experience accompanying them. Taking more of their opinions and respecting their ideas will also help our younger generations stumble less on the road of life. This is what we can do to respect and love the old.

In addition, we can do a lot more: compared with the high-end massage chairs bought by mom and dad, the elderly prefer us to beat their backs with our own hands; compared with the delicacies of the mountains and seas enjoyed by one person, the elderly prefer a happy family reunion. What the elderly enjoy is not the comfort of massage, but the care that is handed down. What the elderly cares about is not the exquisite food, but the warmth of family reunion. All we should do is to visit them often and give them loving company and hugs.



Bringing a glass of water to the old, washing their feet, and even a smile are the best rewards for their hard work throughout his life. If we do not live with the elderly, then chatting with them in the video or sending them blessings on WeChat can bring them long-term happiness.

Secondly, as the ancients said, “If you love your old, please love others' old, too; if you love your young, please love others' young, too.” We should not only care about the elderly in our own family, but also help all the elderly who are worthy of help. Make a seat for a grandma on the bus, and help a grandpa who carries heavy objects. Helping the elderly is not in the big deal, but in all the details.



There are old people in every family, and everyone will get old, so let’s think in others’ angle, and have more patience, care and sincerity for the elderly.

My schoolmates, building a better society should start from ourselves. Let’s work together to help every elderly around us as much as we can! At the same time, as the "Double Ninth Festival" is approaching, I wish all grandparents a happy life, health and longevity.

                                                             G7 连欣然


Let’s inherit the fine tradition of thinking about the source, and promote the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation to respect, provide for, and help the elderly. The life is long and the love is forever.