首页新闻读小说 讲感悟|中学部中华文化月活动 Chinese Culture Month Secondary School Events

读小说 讲感悟|中学部中华文化月活动 Chinese Culture Month Secondary School Events



Secondary School Events


The Chinese Cultural Month, organized and hosted by our Primary and Secondary School Chinese team, was held from January 8 to February 2 as a way of promoting the essence of traditional Chinese culture. Chinese culture and traditions are well blended into different events throughout the month. Students of different grade levels carried out various learning activities based on their language skills and demonstrated their learning through a variety of mediums.


Fiction Project-based Learning Exhibition



Fictions are not just literary works, they're also compilations of life depicted through words. Authors breathe life into characters, allowing their stories to unfold within the pages. 

During our recent Chinese Culture Month event, Secondary School organized a project-based learning exhibition centered on the theme of fiction. Students actively participated by submitting their creative works. Building upon their deep understanding of fictions, they used various mediums to express their insights. Some leveraged their media skills to recreate settings of the Grand View Garden from Dream of the Red Chamber, others designed costumes for figures such as Lin Daiyu and Wang Xifeng to delve into the connection between attire and personality within specific historical contexts. There are also students who mapped out the life journey of figures like Lu Zhishen to bring his intricate paths to life. 



To send blessings and extend our best wishes, the Secondary School Chinese team arranged an activity during the exhibition where students can learn to write Chinese character "fu" and Spring Couplets. Students dipped their brushes in ink and crafted different styles of Spring Couplets and "fu" characters. 


Reading Salon





The world we live in is constantly evolving, with rapid changes and technological advancements occurring daily. Books serve as windows into the essence of transformation. On January 18, the Secondary School Chinese team hosted the final round of the Reading Salon competition. Six students came up to the stage to share their insights and reflections from their reading experiences, focusing on the theme of change. Their topics ranged from historical shifts to personal growth, showcasing their ability to think critically. They demonstrated the value of reading classics as a guide for self-exploration and emphasized the importance of public speaking as a platform for sharing ideas. We hope this event encourages more students to embrace reading and express themselves confidently.


Secondary School Awards Ceremony

2月1日,湾区学校全体中学部师生齐聚一堂,共同回望中华文化月的精彩瞬间。在颁奖典礼上,中学部语文组的老师们公布了中华文化月所有活动的获奖学生名单,并展示了优秀的获奖作品。其中黄思博和刘星辰同学用游戏复原的《红楼梦》大观园建筑作品引来师生们的阵阵赞叹。校长刘佳、学术校长Mr. Tom Kline、中学部校长Dr. Joseph Strzempka、中学部副校长Mr. Stuart Simpson为获奖同学和志愿者们颁发了奖品和奖状,鼓励他们再接再厉!最后,韩宪钦老师以一首激扬澎湃的二胡曲目《赛马》为中学部中华文化月活动画上句号。

On February 1, all Secondary School students and teachers gathered for Chinese Culture Month Awards Ceremony. During the ceremony, Chinese teachers announced winners of the Chinese Culture Month activities and showed the outstanding winning entries, including the extremely creative work Grand View Garden built by Bobby Huang and King Liu in Minecraft. Then our School Director Ms. Luka Liu, Head of School Mr. Tom Kline, Head of Secondary Dr. Joseph Strzempka, and Deputy Head of Secondary Mr. Stuart Simpson presented certificates and prizes to all the winners and encouraged them to keep progressing! 



Secondary School Awards


Poetry Competition 

一等奖 The First Prize

G10.1 孙允熙 Christina Sun《关灯吧--晚安》

二等奖 The Second Prize

G6.3 祝天朗 Amy Zhu《和平》

G8.1 吴若娴 Queena Wu《污黑》

G8.1 罗曼 Amy Luo《正当浊世朝晖之时》

G8.1 余明轩 Jason Yu《和平火光》

G8.2 何嘉怡 Janice He《乌托邦》

G9.2 陈薇安 Alison Chen《媾和》

三等奖 The Third Prize

G6.2 郑子瀚 Lewis Zheng《和平》

G6.3 张筱米 Mia Zhang《一心为和》

G7.1 李梓菲 Alisa Li《还给地球一个生命》

G7.2 李雨曦 Emily Li《战争与和平》

G7.3 杜瑾瑶 Evelyn Du《鸽》

G7.3 吴悠 Yoyo Wu 《黑,白,与红》

G8.2 张策 Jason Zhang 


G9.1 黎汛仁 Yanny Lai《守望》

G10.1 刘壹涛 Tim Liu《白鸽》

G10.1 魏时雨 Ally Wei《梦魇》

优秀奖 Award of Participation

G6.2 赖芷瑶 Angie Lai《和平之唤》

G7.1 胡瑞琪 Alisa Hu《重见天日》

G7.2 黄梓琳 Joline Huang《和平之翼》

G7.3 吴一禾 Elyn Wu《残花》

G7.4 黄思博 Bobby Huang《爱与和平的呼唤》

G7.4 王子畅 Heidi Wang《和平》

G9.1 隋昕 Serenan Sui《和平,来之不易》

G9.1 周艺珣 Michelle Zhou《和平之花》

G10.1 陈佳昕 Ellie Chen《息》

G10.1 张起睿 John Zhang《象棋》

G10.2 范玥宜 Nicole Fan《净土》


PBL Exhibition

一等奖 The First Prize

G7.3 刘星辰 King Liu

G7.4 黄思博 Bobby Huang 

二等奖 The Second Prize

G7.1 李梓菲 Alisa Li 

G7.2 陈品洁 Jessica Chen

G7.2 邱思雨 Rainie Qiu

G8.2 张策 Jason Zhang  

G9.2 宛依诺 Tracy Wan

G10.2 高子壹 Ariel Gao

三等奖 The Third Prize

G6.2 陈乐曈 Rex Chen

G6.3 武书娴 Susan Wu

G7.2 邹沐希 Colin Zou

G7.2 楊芷嫣 Smile Yang 

G7.3 杜瑾瑶 Evelyn Du 

G7.3 魏圣霖 Aiden Wei 

G7.3 吴一禾 Elyn Wu 

G7.3 聂卓琳 Daisy Nie

G8.1 黄俊睿 Raymond Huang

G9.1 桂以程 Grace Gui

优秀奖 Award of Participation

G6.2 郑子瀚 Lewis Zheng

G6.3 祝天朗 Amy Zhu

G6.4 李恩伊 Anusha Li 

G6.4 黄子芮 Clemence Wong 

G7.1 黄奕诚 Bobby Huang 

G7.1 胡瑞琪 Alisa Hu

G7.1 贾曜源 Martin Jia 

G7.2 黄梓琳 Joline Huang

G7.2 任浩天 Sky Ren

G7.3 李寶昕 Bonnie Li 

G7.3 侯鹏飞 Felix Hou

G10.2 王曦立 Ethan Wang 


Reading Salon 

一等奖 The First Prize

G9.2 宛依诺 Tracy Wan

二等奖 The Second Prize

G7.1 胡瑞琪 Alisa Hu 

G10.2 范玥宜 Nicole Fan 

三等奖 The Third Prize

G7.4 文妙童 Grace Wen

G7.4 王子畅 Heidi Wang 

G10.1 刘壹涛 Tim Liu 

优秀奖 Award of Participation

G6.3 张筱米 Mia Zhang 

G7.3 杜瑾瑶 Evelyn Du

G7.4 李思昀 Lucy Li

G8.1 侯周成 Jerry Hou

G8.2 何嘉怡 Janice He 

G10.1 黄泽皓 Billy Huang 


House Winner

White Tiger


Staff Activity




Except for students, teachers also actively participated in the Chinese Culture Month event. On January 29, the staff Chinese knowledge competition was held. The event included a variety of engaging activities, including poetry recitals, trivia quizzes, Chinese New Year greetings challenges, and oracle bone challenges. Both Chinese and expat teachers were eager to try and make contributions to the final victory of their houses. After fierce competition, the teachers from Blue Dragon obtained the laurel of the staff Chinese knowledge competition!  


The third Chinese Culture Month has drawn to a close. As we step into the new year, may all SGA students continue to tell a good story of the rich heritage of Chinese civilization with pride and show the confident image of Chinese youth to the global community. 

 • END •