首页新闻SGA科技节预告丨奇思妙想 创意无限 Let's Celebrate the Exciting World of STEAM



SGA一年一度的STEAM Month来了!这是一个持续一个月科学、技术、工程、艺术和数学的盛宴!在这个月里,我们将会深入探索和呈现这些领域的交汇之美,领略到不同学科的精髓与融合所带来的惊人创新。希望同学们可以探索未知领域、挑战自我极限、拓展视野和展现才华。

Welcome to STEAM Month, a month-long celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics! Throughout this month, we will be exploring and highlighting the intersection of these disciplines, and showcasing the endless possibilities that can be achieved when they are combined.

本次活动亮点纷呈,包括工程挑战、设计比赛、SGA航空航天中心开幕、Pi Day,实地考察/课外研学、STEAM谜题挑战,以及为期三天的STEAM主题ASA展示。让我们一起来参与这个充满创新和挑战的STEAM月,挖掘无限潜能!

The highlights of our STEAM month include an engineering challenge, a design competition, an opening for our aerospace exhibit, field trips, an interactive STEAM riddle challenge, a Math Carnival and a three-day showcase hosted by our STEAM-themed ASA.

SGA校园电视台的同学们还特别准备了一期科技节活动预告的新闻报道,让我们跟着SGA TV的小主播和小记者们,一起看看三月有哪些精彩的科技节活动吧!

Our students from SGA TV have prepared a TV News special, forecasting the STEAM Month events. Let's check their news coverage together!


Aerospace Opening


We are also thrilled to announce the opening of our school’s Aerospace exhibit in E2. Over the course of three days, experts will guide you through the significance and use of each display. You'll have the opportunity to test out the various tools and discuss them with like-minded individuals who share your passion for innovation.


Engineering Challenge


As part of STEAM Month, we have an exciting lineup of weekly activities that will challenge your creativity and problem-solving skills. Each week, we will present a different challenge that will test your ability to design, build, and innovate. You'll have the chance to put your skills to the test and compete against your peers to see who can come up with the most innovative solutions.


Design Competition

除了工程挑战之外,我们还将举办科技节的主题设计比赛。通过比赛,让同学展示创意和想象力,亲手创造一个能够代表SGA STEAM未来形象的标志和图案。获胜学生的设计将成为明年SGA科技节的官方标志,我们鼓励所有参赛者充分发挥自己的创意,展现出自己最独特的想法和设计。让我们一起开始头脑风暴,激发灵感,创造出独一无二的设计吧!

In addition to the engineering challenge, we will also be hosting a design competition. The winner's design will be used as next year's official logo and icon, and winning posters will be displayed around campus, so get your thinking caps on and start brainstorming!


Math Carnival



Maths is another element of STEAM, and we are excited to celebrate Pi day on March 14th with a Mathematics Fair. The PYP and MYP Maths departments have planned a whole school Maths Fair to highlight the beauty of mathematics. It will be a fun day of exciting and challenging math related activities.  


STEAM ASA Showcase

在SGA,我们有许多精彩的STEAM ASA第二课堂课程,包括VEX机器人、乐高机器人、编程、无人机、无人机摄影、摄影、数字媒体、动画、2D动画、航空俱乐部、零碳设计、校园电视台和日常生活中的技术等。

在即将到来的STEAM ASA展示活动中,SGA的同学们将准备精心布置的展位,向其他同学和老师介绍展示自己在这些领域所学到的知识和技能。同学们准备了各种挑战,等待着大家的参与。届时,也请同学们选出最喜欢的活动,完成的挑战越多,就会有越多的惊喜等待着大家!让我们一同探索STEAM领域的精彩世界吧。

Do you know how many STEAM ASA we have at SGA? VEX robotics, Lego robotics, Programming, Drones, Drone photography, Photography, Digital Media, Animation, 2D Animation, Aerospace Club, Zero Carbon Design, MCTV, and Tech in daily life.  

Near the end of March, these ASA groups will showcase their accomplishments for the school. Join us in exploring the activities that they play and help by voting for your favorite stations!


STEAM Riddles

此外,我们还准备了兼具趣味、知识和挑战的STEAM主题解谜活动,来测试同学们的 STEAM 知识。这些谜语设置在校园各个角落,在整个三月,同学和老师们都可以随时参与答题。答对的同学将有机会在 STEAM 月颁奖典礼上赢得丰富的奖品!

Last but not least, we have a fun and challenging way to test your STEAM knowledge: our STEAM riddles! These will be displayed all month for students or staff to participate. If you think you know an answer, drop it into the box for a chance to win prizes during the STEAM month award ceremony.


Field Trip


We are excited to offer an exclusive visit to DJI for the top candidates in our various challenges and competitions. Selected students will venture behind the scenes of this cutting-edge technology company and see firsthand how they are shaping the future of robotics and drone technology.


So join us for a month of innovation, creativity, and learning as we celebrate the exciting world of STEAM!

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