首页新闻一横长城长,一竖字铿锵——SGA小学部中华文化月系列活动 Primary School Events


PYP Events



G1 Relay Race of Chinese Pinyin &Character 

G2 Relay Race of Ancient Chinese Poems

“声、字”启蒙语文学习之旅,“吟诗诵韵”演绎中华文化之美。一二年级举行了中文知识接力赛,四大学院学子们齐聚在一起,在喜闻乐见的接力比赛中读音识字、诵读古诗。一年级“声字启蒙”知识接力赛分为5轮“拼音接力赛”和5轮“识字接力赛”。经过激烈的比拼,White Tiger学院遥遥领先,获得双料冠军。二年级“吟诗诵韵”古诗接力赛经过4轮的比拼,Red Rose Finch学院最终取得胜利,成为冠军学院。别看一二年级同学们年纪小,但身上都有一股认真、不服输的劲儿,同学们一个个卯足了劲,争分夺秒,比赛角逐紧张激烈。

Learning Chinese begins with Pinyin and Chinese characters. The ancient poems carry the long history and culture of China. G1 and G2 students had a relay race of Chinese culture among four houses. In G1 Relay Race, students showed their ability and team spirit in the relays. They read aloud the Pinyin and Chinese Character they learned this semester confidently in front of teachers. After fierce competition, White Tiger won both in "Pinyin Relay" and "Chinese Character Relay". In G2 Relay Race, students recited the Chinese poems they learned in G1 and G2. After four rounds of competition, Red Rose Finch won the competition. All the G1 and G2 students made great effort to compete in a tense and fierce competition.




G3-5 Speech Contest



As growing, the young students also have their own worries. G3-5 students participated in the speech contest within the topic “Speak my mind”. Students talked about their thoughts, ideas, worries on their journey to the adulthood. The speech contest has preliminary rounds and finals. The young contestants were all well-prepared. Roman was not built in a day. They were confident and energetic on the stage, which showed the positive and optimistic spirit from themselves.





G3 speech topic is ‘What you don’t know about me’. G4 speech topic is ‘I would like to tell you’. G5 speech topic is ‘I don’t want to grow up/I want to grow up quickly‘.


PYP Awards Ceremony

衣冠正,礼乐起,第二届中华文化月小学部颁奖典礼于学校大剧院隆重举行。伴随着回顾视频,我们重温了中华文化月之旅,为自己在中华文化月的奋力拼搏而感到无比骄傲。聚光灯亮,学术校长Mr. Tom Kline、总务主任杨伟君、小学部校长Mr. Elmer和小学部课程协调员Ms.Eda郑重地为所有获奖同学颁发奖状和奖杯。至此,深圳外国语学校(集团)湾区学校第二届中华文化月小学部系列活动完美落幕,但我们对中华文化传承的热情永无止步。一横长城长,一竖字铿锵,一勾游江南,一点茉莉香,我们要像方方正正的中国字一样,堂堂正正做人,做一个热爱祖国文字、热爱传统文化、热爱中华民族的炎黄子孙!

The 2nd Chinese Culture Month Awards Ceremony was grandly held in the school's grand theater. We are extremely proud of all the students for their hard work during the Chinese Culture Month! Mr.Kline, Mr.Viking, Mr.Elmer and Ms.Eda presented certificates to all the awardees. The 2nd Chinese Culture month of SGA now is coming to a perfect end, but our passion for the inheritance of Chinese culture never stops. A horizontal stroke is like the Great Wall which is long, and a vertical stroke is written on paper showing the clang. When we draw the curve, we can go across the south. When the dot is marked, we can touch the jasmine smell. We need to be the up straight men, just like the Chinese characters, shaping like a square.





PYP Awards



G1.4 杨濡溪 Ivy Yang《天黑以后》

G2.1 梁道柄 Robin Liang《藤》 

G3.1 陈奕璇 Stella Chen《那时的童年》

G4.1 高振云 Eric Gao《烟》 

G5.3 张筱米 Mia Zhang《我的祖国,我最珍贵的你》


G1.2 卢美汐 Lucia Lu《挂月》

G1.4 郑佳烨 Owen Zheng《一百年以后》

G2.3 谢瑞曼 Feynman Xie《钟》

G2.2 董奕沣 Alex Dong《枕头》

G3.1 车佳颖 Jenny Che《回到祖国》

G3.3 庞泽萱 Helen Pang《月亮》

G4.3 王梓一 Mirro《夏天》

G4.1 李思璇 Lily Li《大自然的浪漫》

G5.3 李恩治 Jason Li《黄继光》

G5.1 焦锦程 Kevin Jiao《敬关羽》


G1.2 陈溪芮 Cici Chen《春天以后》

G1.1 代桐菲 Mia Dai《长大以后》

G1.3 赵允歆 Yami Zhao《天亮以后》

G2.3 阿娃枇杷 Ava Oppenlaender《海胆的故事》

G2.1 侯鹏骏 Lawrence Hou《棋盘》

G2.1 李锦熙 Jayden Lee《发烧的妹妹》

G3.2 傅乔智 Martin Fu 《朋友》

G3.3 庞泽萱 Helen Pang《青山》

G3.1 张颢蓝 Nathan Zhang《游戏》

G4.2 许景晰 Psyche Xu《四季》

G4.2 宾辰瑞 Cherie Bin《水》

G4.1 刘沛森 Samuel Liu《自然与保护》

G5.3 祝天朗 Amy Zhu 《少年华夏,我的祖国》

G5.1 陈乐瞳 Rex Chen《我那伟大的祖国》


G1.4 吴瀚辰 Mario Wu《拥抱以后》

G1.3 陈子一 Zee Chen《我的以后》

G1.2 杨翊善 Ethan Yang《长大以后》

G1.1 吉袁瑾兰 Jinlan Ji《长大以后》

G1.2 王佩婷 Phoebe Wang《梦想》

G2.4 陈宥岐 Jesse Chen《音乐》

G2.1 梁道柄 Robin Liang《灰尘》

G2.2 崔艺航 Ian Cui《红树林》

G2.1 袁韶易 Benjamin Yuan《爱》

G2.1 张文睿 Allen Zhang《爱》

G3.2 罗静遥 Ella Luo《下雨》

G3.3 刘安雅 Anna Liu《梦》

G3.1 秦幕梓 Amanda Qin《长大》

G3.1 邱俊杰 Kevin Qiu《书》

G3.1 吴楚嫣 Queena Wu《星空》

G4.2 赵君彦 Sean Zhao《雪》

G4.3 李艾 Alyssa Li《雾凇》

G4.2 白斯贤 Alvin Bai《一个大自然》

G4.3 胡梓欣 Joanan Hu《南国的冬》

G4.3 王诚道 Dorian Wang《蜂蝶之战》

G5.1 王曦曼 Emma Wang《守墓老兵》

G5.3 杨雨飞 Tete Yang《缉毒警》



G1.3 曾淅 Patricia Zeng 

G2.1 侯鹏骏 Lawrence Hou 

G3.2 丁子媛 Sophie Ding 

G4.2 郭昊泽 Kevin Guo 

G5.3 张筱米 Mia Zhang


G1.1 冯芊 Qianqian Feng

G1.3 陈禹如 Madeline Chen

G2.3 张恩灏 Bruce Zhang

G2.1 范青霖 Mumu Fan

G3.2 张云帆 Freddy Zhang

G3.2丁梓宸 Steve Ding

G4.3 晏紫 Violet Yan

G4.2 赵君彦 Sean Zhao

G5.1 郑子瀚 Lewis Zheng

G5.1 宛雨禾 Helen Wan


G1.4 郑佳烨 Owen Zheng

G1.2 卢美汐 Lucia Lu

G1.4 韩奕可 Heidi Han

G2.3 晏青 Vera Yan

G2.4 黄马 Mark Huang

G2.4 叶晨曦 Charlie Ye

G3.1 谢乐瑶 Melody Xie

G3.1 刘陶煦 Laura Liu

G3.1 秦幕梓 Amanda Qin

G4.2 翁子羽 Chiyu Yung

G4.3 雷梓琋 Haylee Lei

G4.2 陈羽辰 Megan Chen

G5.3 祝天朗 Amy Zhu

G5.1 王慕涵 Muhan Wang

G5.1 陈乐瞳 Rex Chen"


G1.2 谢沛妍 Cherie Xie

G1.4 杨若迪 Sofia Yang

G1.1 陈姿妤 Queena Chen

G1.2 罗禾圆 Anne Luo

G1.2 王佩婷 Phoebe Wang

G2.1 汪泊妍 Amara Wang

G2.1 李一萱 Cindy Li

G2.4 黄雅蘅 Jacqueline Huang

G2.2 董奕沣 Alex Dong

G2.3 高鹏翔 Gordon Gao

G3.2 张恒睿 Kerry Zhang

G3.1 邱俊杰 Kevin Qiu

G3.3 宋羽熙 Alice Song

G3.3 方全然 Charan Fang

G3.2 王梓淇 Emma Wang

G4.1 朱家扬 Jordan Zhu  

G4.3 周周 Joe Zhou

G4.2 吴婉贞 Celine Wu 

G4.3 欧聿芯 Julia Ou

G4.3 赵禹涵 Harry Zhao

G5.1 陈家隆 Anderson Chen

G5.1 冯依恬 Lucy Feng

G5.3 李璟渲 Jasper Li

G5.2 车致远 Arron Che

G5.1 黄子芮 Clemence Huang



G3.3 许宸兮 Mia Xu

G4.2 宾辰瑞 Cherie Bin

G5.3 张筱米 Mia Zhang


G3.1 刘陶煦 Laura Liu

G3.2 孙靖杰 Jemmy Sun

G4.1 刘沛森 Samuel Liu

G4.3 胡梓欣 Joanna Hu

G5.1 王慕涵 Muhan Wang

G5.3 李恩治 Jason Li


G3.2 张恒睿 Kerry Zhang

G3.3 庞泽萱 Helen Pang

G3.1 秦幕梓 Amanda Qin

G4.1 高振云 Eric Gao

G4.3 李艾 Alyssa Li

G4.2 郭昊泽 Kevin Guo

G5.1 焦锦程 Kevin Jiao

G5.1 宛雨禾 Helen Wan

G5.3 祝天朗 Amy Zhu


G3.3 吴楚嫣 Queena Wu

G3.3 刘安雅 Anya Liu

G3.1 谢乐瑶 Melody Xie

G3.1 邱俊杰 Kevin Qiu

G4.3 时卓远 Julian Shi

G4.3 郑曼萱 Queena Zheng

G4.1 陈奕辰 Eason Chen

G4.2 郑书铭 Mingming Zheng

G5.2 尤玮乐 Weile Jui

G5.2 李恩伊 Anusha Li

G5.1 王涣吉 Jerry Wang

G5.2 肖逸霏 Euphie xiao


G3.1 刘陶煦 Laura Liu 

G4.2 宾辰瑞 Cherie Bin 

G5.3 张筱米 Mia Zhang


获胜学院:White Tiger


获胜学院:Red Rose Finch


Red Rose Finch


The vast China, with its rivers flowing through the ages, is as rising as the sun and as constant as the moon. The brilliant Chinese culture is like a surging river, and the great Chinese national spirit is like a magnificent historical scroll. Through the "Chinese Culture Month" series of activities, children can enjoy the glorious traditional culture of the Chinese nation in the strong Chinese cultural atmosphere, feel the spirit of the Chinese nation's self-improvement, and draw the strength to go to the international stage from the unique charm of poetry and songs. May all SGA students can tell a good story of Chinese civilization based on the motherland and show the world a calm and confident image of Chinese youth.

 • END •