首页新闻四年级探究单元:我们神奇的身体 Our Magnificent Bodies

Grade 4 UOI 1


Our magnificent bodies


The transdisciplinary theme for unit one is “who we are”. Grade 4 students embarked on an inquiry on the human body system in all three subjects.



In UOI 1, we tackled subjects such as the respiratory system, skeleton, and muscle system by making models, group station demonstration, making mind map and other learning activities.



在UOI课堂上,同学们自己制作了肺功能的模型。通过制作模型的实验,学生可以观察人体呼吸系统的工作模式。在学习肌肉系统时,学生们则用身边的材料,制作了人类肌肉系统的模型。再就是骨骼系统,同学们在课上观察研究了骨骼模型,从中分辨我们身体里的不同骨骼。然后,我们深入到UOI 1的最后一个人体系统——循环系统,学生探索了更多的身体器官,如心脏、动脉、静脉、血液等。

In UOI we did an experiment where kids got to make a functional lungs model where we could see in action how our respiratory system works. When it comes to muscles, we had a head on project where kids had to assemble a human muscular system from parts that we were available. When it came to skeleton exercise, students got to explore the human skeleton by looking at and identifying different bones of our body on the skeleton model.

Then, we went deeper into the last human body system for UOI 1 – the circulatory system, where students could explore more about the heart, arteries, veins, blood, and so on, so we could practice our wonder wall. Also, the students experienced the activity named body system stations within Grade 4, for the first time. Each station was created by a certain teacher to give students a visual demonstration of the human body system. Students participated in various activities that made them happy and excited.




UOI 1大纲里的最后一项内容,是人体系统内部的相互连接。我们继续沿用了小组活动的形式,让同学们结合亲身经历来画出身体系统之间互相关联及作用的思维导图。在视觉化的逻辑梳理过程中,同学们发挥创造力,将人体的6个身体系统相互联结了起来。



Also, the students experienced the activity named body system stations within Grade 4, for the first time. Each station was created by a certain teacher to give students a visual demonstration of the human body system. Students participated in various activities that made them happy and excited.

Lastly, to comply with the last standard of UOI 1, about interconnections within Human body systems, we decided to make similar stations and do a mind map with students based on teachers' stories. Students had an opportunity to connect these 6 body systems in a creative way.

Students are getting more interested in UOI from week to week. Their progress in learning and participating did not go unnoticed. Their teamwork is also improving week by week.





In the study of this unit, we explored the mysteries of human body system and developed many mathematics knowledge and skills related to human body.



In the study of this unit, we explored the mysteries of human body structure and discovered some large numbers from human organs. By exploring these large numbers, the students learned about place value, and learned how to read, write, compare and estimate large numbers. Recognizing numbers is inseparable from calculation, so the students also explored different methods of calculating three-digit multiplication, and were able to use multiplication to solve practical problems in life. In addition, in the group activities, the students also learned about calculators and the functions of each button, and learned about ancient numeral systems such as Roman numerals, which enriched their mathematical knowledge.





Throughout the unit students receive formative assessments on the learning objectives. For their summative assessment, students designed a calorie poster that features calories intake from their favorite food and calorie consumption from doing sports. In the calorie poster students also came up with three-digit word problems for each other to solve. Through the poster students develop logical thinking skills and number sense.




In our first unit, G4 students have sharpened their critical thinking skills and reading strategies in the reader’s workshops, and enhanced their phonics, vocabulary and spelling skills in the Words Their Way program.


我们坚持每日阅读,并记录自己的阅读流畅度。广泛阅读不同的文本,锻炼自己总结文章、寻找中心思想和定位细节的能力,并从中汲取与探究单元有关的词汇与知识。我们还启动了Words Their Way的学习,以提高学生的语音、词汇和拼写技能。




They made read-aloud a fixed part of their daily routine, and kept track of their reading fluency in weekly reading logs consistently. With a focus on identifying main ideas and supporting details, G4 students exposed themselves to a variety of texts to expand the vocabulary and gather information related to the UOI. We also launched the Words Their Way program to enhance students’ abilities in phonics, vocabulary and spelling skills. 

As they gradually became better writers, they realized the importance of perspectives and point of views, which was evident in their healthy lifestyle brochure. Students also refreshed their knowledge of grammar in parts of speech, 4 types of sentences, fragments, and run-on. They understood that a long sentence isn’t necessarily a run-on sentence. By avoiding and fixing run-on sentences in their own work, they enhanced the ability to construct short, impactful sentences to help them clearly articulate their opinions and build a more effective opinion writing piece.


The Grade 4s have completed their first unit with pride. Let’s look forward to their next achievements!

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