首页新闻数学之美 融合互联丨国际圆周率日活动 International π Day 2022

3.14 国际圆周率日 International π Day


This event was a great opportunity to celebrate the wonders of the number, also to promote appreciation of Mathematics - a subject that is full of skills that are entrenched in our daily lives. 

数学之美 万物相连 Mathematics across all other disciplines

为庆祝3月14日国际圆周率日,深圳外国语学校(集团)湾区学校将本周定为数学周,举办了一系列以“ 𝜋 ”为主题的跨学科探究活动,包括集会、手工制作、科学实验、数学比赛、数字迷宫、趣味知识、圆周率顺口溜、数学艺术创作及圆周率健身活动等等。

从发现 𝜋 ,到计算 𝜋 ,再到探索可视化 𝜋 。我们将数学学科与艺术、科学、音乐、诗歌、体育等不同学科融会贯通,真正体现了多元融合课程的魅力。

在这一周里,同学们尽情享受数学,不停思考、探索和挑战,在探究学习中展现了“知识渊博”和“思考者”等 IB 学习者的优秀属性。

At SGA, we have been celebrating this event in our lessons across the school. Ranging from discovering 𝜋, to calculating and visualising 𝜋. We have experienced many ways to link Mathematics to different areas such as art, science, music, poetry, sport, that we can truly verify that this is a transferable subject with many fun applications.

We hope that our community has enjoyed the time to wonder and explore the mathematical challenges this week and has embodied the IB Learner Profile attributes such as “Knowledgeable” and “Thinkers” in their inquiry.


一年级 Grade 1


In Grade 1, we have been working on  plate activity. We analyzed the digits and the use of 𝜋. Students passed through the plate with colored lines according to the order of the digits, and then decorated around the plate to form colorful works.


二年级 Grade 2


Grade 2 have been working on 𝜋 skyline activity. For this activity, students coloured in the number of squares on graph paper that correspond to each digit of 𝜋. They also decorated their graphed skyline. One of the students coloured all the graphs black with constellations up high in the night sky. Another grade 2 student designed beautiful natural scenery with her skyline. Students even invited their family to celebrate the 𝜋 Day activity together!


三年级 Grade 3

三年级同学制作了圆周率手链和圆周率书签, 同学们按照圆周率的数字顺序,标记好每个数字的颜色,发挥自己的创造力,将圆周率可视化,也把对于这一神奇数学符号的想法融入到了自己的作品中,做出一个个精美的手链和书签。

The Grade 3 students made 𝜋 bracelets and 𝜋 bookmarks to celebrate 𝜋 Day. The students marked the color of each number according to the numerical order of 𝜋, used their own creations to visualize the number, and also shared their thoughts on the magic of 𝜋! The idea of mathematical symbols was integrated into their products. Here are their beautiful bracelets and bookmarks.


四年级 Grade 4


Grade 4 students used a ‘𝜋-search’ page to investigate the digits of 𝜋 to see whether numbers encountered in real life occur in 𝜋. One of the students found his birthday within 𝜋. Another grade 4 student found a string of numbers that corresponded to his mother's mobile phone number! Other Grade 4 students investigated π as a measurement, in particular, they measured the circumference and diameter of circular items and calculated the value of 𝜋 using practical methods.


五年级 Grade 5


Grade 5 learned about the famous Buffon needle-throwing experiment. In the 18th century, Buffon asked the following question: “Suppose we have a floor with parallel and equidistant wood grains, and we throw a needle at random with a length smaller than the distance between the grains. How do we find the probability that the needle intersects one of the grains?” Buffon proposed a method to calculate 𝜋 random needle casting. The students performed the Buffon needle-throwing experiment at home to realize the valuation of 𝜋.


中学段集会 Assembly

在周一的集会上,我们更深入地了解了圆周率的奇迹之美。𝜋 作为一个超验的数字,它本身便是神秘又神圣的,但我们可以通过艺术的视角来欣赏它的迷人之处。在集会上,师生们还一起用著名的数学谜题,进行了思维发散训练。

In assembly we learnt more about the wonders of 𝜋.
𝜋 can be fascinating in its own right as a transcendental number but we also looked at how beautiful it can be through an artistic lens (inspired by towardsdatascience.com). We also considered well-known mathematical riddles to stretch our thinking.


体育与健康 PHE


In PHE, students have been completing cardio workouts for different lengths of time based on the digits of 𝜋. See if you can keep to this workout routine!


科学 Science


In Science, MYP students have been calculating volumes of cells using their knowledge of shapes and space, and the relevance of π in the formulae for spheres.


英语 English

在英语课上,同学们借鉴日本俳句的创作格式,写下了“ 𝜋 的俳句”。他们对诗的格式做了一些改变,以Pi开头,接着第一行有三个音节,第二行有一个音节,第三行有四个音节。

In English lessons students wrote ‘Pi-ku’ poetry, based on the Japanese haiku style of poetry. They changed the format to have three syllables in the first line, one in the second line and four in the third line to follow the start of 𝜋.


We have also launched a competition in the MYP using Mangahigh. All students are working on increasing our current status in the East Asia Mangahigh competition. We are asking for a collective effort in completing tasks and games so that SGA can be at the top of the leaderboard! Let’s go SGA!
