首页新闻国际金奖!湾区学子在国际机器人大赛中荣获最高奖项 Gold Awards in Junior Botball Challenge

国际金奖!湾区学子在国际机器人大赛中荣获最高奖项 Gold Awards in Junior Botball Challenge

8月19日-20日,2024 Botball 国际教育机器人大会国际赛在北京举行。我校G4.1黄婉晴、G5.3彭祺煜凭借卓越表现,成为进阶级组别率先完成全部12道题目的队伍之一,取得了最高奖项金奖。

Botball 国际教育机器大会起源于美国麻省理工学院(MIT),是一项在国际上具有非凡影响力的青少年教育机器人活动,旨在促进青少年在科学、技术、工程学和数学(STEM)领域的实践与进步。国际大会是 Botball 系列比赛的最后一轮,本届共有来自中国、美国、奥地利、菲律宾、马来西亚、中国澳门、中国台湾7个国家和地区的近2000名选手参加,考验参赛者的编程技能,以及快速应对各类挑战的能力。
黄婉晴和彭祺煜也在本周一的升旗仪式上,与全体小学部同学分享了他们参加 Botball 比赛的经历。尽管准备过程很辛苦,在比赛当中也遇到了一些困难, 但他们没有放弃, 最终获得了金奖,并收获了宝贵的成长感悟:热爱可以抵御一切阻碍。
期望各位湾区学子以此为勉,大胆追求热爱, 在各大国际舞台上继续绽放光彩,挑战更高峰!

We are pround to announce that in the 2024 Junior Botball Challenge Global Finals, two SGA students Winnie Huang and Kiwi Peng won the highest "Gold Prize" in the most advanced group level. They showcased their excellent programming skills and quick adjustment to various types of challenges by successfully completing all twelve tasks announced at the competition.

During the flag raising ceremony on Monday, the SGA community gathered together to celebrate this achievement. Winnie Huang and Kiwi Peng shared their exciting Botball experience with everyone. They used their personal stories to inspire all their classmates to boldly pursue their goals and dreams.  

Botball was originated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and aims to cultivate students' scientific awareness and inquiry skills. It stands as one of the most influential global youth educational robotics events around the world.