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PYP Exhibition 2023




“What are you passionate about and how can you use that to make the world a better place?” This is the big question that our Grade 5 students ventured to explore throughout their PYPX journey.

Students have spent 12 weeks exploring their interests based on the theme of "Exploring Our Passion", and ended up with a broad range of research topics about their passions, like baking, coding, animal protection, music, history, sports, etc.





ATL Skills Demonstrated in PYPX



Approaches to Learning skills (ATL Skills) are the thinking, social, communication, research, and self-management skills that students learn through their experiences in the IB program. Throughout PYPX, our students were able to demonstrate these skills to others by choosing their own research topics and conducting independent research under the guidance of their supervisors and homeroom teachers.


Self-Management Skills


The Grade 5 students were working on a timeline to get to their final presentations and exhibition. They had to make sure they met their mentors on their agreed appointment dates and time regularly. They had to keep up with the tasks and focus for each week as well.


Research Skills




5.1班陈乐曈同学采访了工程师Ingko Marfori


Our students came up with their own questions that they wanted to inquire about for their individual topics. They interviewed different key people who were able to share relevant information with them. They also surveyed their local communities to gather data they needed in making conclusions. Kevin from 5.1 inquired into astronomy with three lines of inquiry.


Thinking Skills


The Grade 5 students were constantly planning, designing, and problem-solving in every step of their journey. They planned their actions and ways they can share their passion and make a difference in their local and global communities.





Anusha from 5.2 brainstormed possible actions with her mentor Ms. Sharon to apply what she had researched into real life trying to make a difference to herself, people around her and make connections to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


Communication Skills




Every student had to prepare for their own “Passion Pitch” presentation. In this process, students had to share information they gathered in their research and get people to learn from them about their topics.




Social Skills


Our students helped each other to solve their problems, especially while they were setting up their stations. They also spent a lot of their time collaborating with their parents, mentors and peers as they were preparing leading up to the exhibition.


Opening Ceremony

本届小学毕业展于5月10日在深外湾区学校小剧场正式启幕。执行校长刘佳、外方校长Tom Kline和小学部校长Elmer Reyes分别致辞,从不同角度分享了PYPX毕业展在IB小学阶段的重要性,并表达了对同学们探究成果的期待,以及对所有导师辛勤努力的感谢。开幕式由张筱米、尤玮乐、尹思斯、郑子瀚、杨煜朗和杭俊宇同学主持。在场的老师、家长和前来交流参观的深圳南山国际学校和深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校的同学们,都在愉悦的氛围中与毕业生们一同分享收获与喜悦。





We started our PYP exhibition with great energy during our opening ceremony from our enthusiastic emcees, Mia Zhang, Weile Jui, Reneeta Yin, Lewis Zheng, Martin Yang and Ryan Hang. Ms. Luka Liu, our School Director, and Mr. Tom Kline, our Head of School welcomed our guests with their opening remarks where they shared the value of the PYPX journey in our students’ lives.

We had great performances by all of our Grade 5 students singing “Dreamers” which was choreographed by our Music and Drama team, Ms. Gloria Tian, Ms. Wendy Cheng and Ms. Vivian Huang. We also had a piano performance by Alex Ye, and a dance performance by Euphie Xiao, Dorothy Lou, and Harper Lee which they choreographed themselves during their unit on dance during PE class with Ms. Renelle Richmond. We also had Sofia Xia, Muhan Wang and Amy Zhu share about their PYPX journey including how they overcame some challenges they have encountered.

Mr. Elmer Reyes, our Head of Primary ended the ceremony by recognizing Daniel Huang for winning the PYPX 2023 logo design competition and thanking all the mentors and the Grade 5 homeroom teachers, Ms. Mali Liao and Mr. Jerome Nelson from 5.1, Ms. Lili Ma and Mr. James McNamara from 5.2, and Ms. Darleen Looman and Ms. Sharleen He from 5.3 who guided our students throughout their process.


Interactive Stations



Each student creates their own interactive station to show their research results and thinking process. They achieve this by designing games or activities to get the audience involved.

Matthew from 5.1 designed an aquarium landscape, Arron from 5.2 shared his research on smartphones, Joy from 5.3 introduced her topic about recyclable crafts, Jason from 5.3 presented his self-made film, and Hugo from 5.3 showcased a robot that he designed.


PYPX Mentor’s Support



After choosing their topics, our students got to meet their personal mentors who guided them throughout their journey. They met and collaborated with their mentors and co-mentees on every step they had to accomplish. The students showed their gratitude to their mentors for their commitment to helping them solve or give guidance whenever they faced a challenge or a problem.

5.2班尤玮乐同学在演讲中表达对导师Ms. De Sole的感谢

2.1班班主班老师Mr. B写给5.1班王涣吉同学的评价


PYPX provides students with an opportunity to explore, learn in real-life situations, collaborate with others, and share what they've accomplished. We are very proud of what our Grade 5 students have achieved, and we hope they will continue using the skills they have developed as lifelong learners.

• END • 


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