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刘佳校长新年致辞 | 2021我们再出发 2021 Let’s Start Again





Dear SGA teachers and students, 

Good morning and happy new year.I am so glad to meet you all on the first Monday of 2021.


Before I start my new year speech I would like to invite you face your friends next to you. Each two lines please face each other. I would like you shake your hands and say happy new year. I would like you to give a warm hug and best wish to each other.

     刚才这个看似简单寻常的问候,在过去的2020年却变得那么的遥不可及。2020年全球有超过8299万人感染新冠肺炎,有181万人因此丧失生命。但我们众志成城、坚忍不拔书写了抗疫史诗。在共克时艰的日子里,有逆行出征的豪迈,有顽强不屈的坚守,有患难与共的担当,有英勇无畏的牺牲,有守望相助的感动。我们在场的每一个人,都共同担当了自己应该做的一部分。孩子们遵守规则,维护社会学校秩序,你们认真学习,积极参与有限的活动。老师们克服重重困难坚守线上线下教学,敢于直面未知,乐于付出超越平常无数倍的努力。正因为有你们所有人的支持和付出,我们SGA才能在疫情期间顺利度过一个个难关。搬入新校区,开设MYP,线上线下优质课堂,教师同学取得比赛佳绩。习总书记说:“平凡铸就伟大,英雄来自人民,每个人都了不起!” 我们也是英雄!请为我们自己鼓掌!

This is a simple greeting we have done thousands of times in our daily life but it became impossible in 2020.

We have 82 million people infected with Covid-19 and 1.8 million of them died because of this disease in 2020 around the world. During this war we all took our own responsibility as well as those doctors, experts, soldiers in our own position. Therefore, please give yourself an applause for all support and contribution in 2020. For you follow the social rule and keep the social distance, for you obey the quarantine rule and live in your own home for such a long time or in the hotel alone, for you do online education and offline education well with passion of teaching and learning. Life is simple but not simple at all. 


At the same time in 2020 Shenzhen celebrated the success of open and reform policy released 40 years. Shenzhen Foreign Languages School celebrated its 30’s birthday. SGA moved into our new campus, opened its MYP, the world created Covid vaccine. We gain all of these by hardworking, dedication, bravery and persistence. However, when we walked into 2021, they all become history and past. We should build our new goal and objective in 2021, in the next ten years and twenty or thirty years. We need to learn, to explore, to act and to develop. SGA has already made her own goal for 2021, MYP authorization, CIS application, curriculum development for Chinese Math and English, first wind band, first gymnastic team. So what’s your plan and your goal? I would invite you to create your 2021 plan this week and hope you would like to share with me what your plan and what your goal.


2021, here we come with the strength and power I have gained through the hardest 2020. Our SGA family will walk together, holding tight, marching forward courageously and advancing bravely to embrace our bright future and our best 2021.