首页新闻五年级探究单元:我们身处的时空 Where We Are in Place and Time

Grade 5 UOI 1


Where We Are in Place and Time

五年级第一个探究单元的主题是 “我们身处的时空” ,探究的中心思想是“了解人口迁移的故事并通过讲述故事建立共情能力”。学生主要通过三条学习主线探究这一中心思想:人口迁移的原因、人口迁移的影响以及人口迁移的故事如何帮学生建立共情能力。超学科的学习方式打破了传统的学科界限,帮助学生从多角度、多维度探究人口迁移这一主题。

The transdisciplinary theme of our first unit of inquiry is “Where We Are In Place And Time”. The central idea of this unit is “Telling stories about migration and its impact can build understanding and empathy”. Students inquired into this unit through three lines of inquiry: the reasons people migrate, how migration affects people and places, and how storytelling about migration can build understanding and empathy. Students had opportunities to explore the unit theme through transdisciplinary learning to help them think inside and outside of the box.




To extend grade 5’s understanding and themed study of migration, Grade 5 students were introduced to and taught how to complete a Y-chart diagram.





Using a Y-chart, students were given the opportunity to select their own city to compare how migration had impacted the city in the three key areas of people, culture, and place. Students were free to explore any aspect of people, culture, and place that was changed, influenced, or impacted by migration over time. In a Y-Chart created by Kevin from 5.1, he brought attention to the changes in art and music in Shenzhen due to migrants bringing parts of their own culture to the city. This is exactly the type of awareness we are excited to see developing in our IB students.




In grade 5 math, the students learned how to calculate the long division of decimals and whole numbers. They employed methods of study that focused on understanding how the knowledge of decimals can be useful in our daily lives.



For example, the unit of inquiry focused on “how migration affects and builds understanding and empathy among people”. For this reason, students wrote multi-step word problems that told migration-related stories. They studied both Chinese and American currency to support their ability to apply their new knowledge about decimals in figuring out the expenses involved in such a journey.




Students began the year in language by exploring the personal narrative genre of reading and writing.





Personal narrative is about telling true stories, or at least stories that could be true. Working within the unit theme of “migration” provided students with the opportunity to relate their own migration story or that of a close relative. Students also had opportunities to hear migration stories first-hand from staff members whose hometowns can be found around the world. Through listening to, reading and writing migration stories of their own, students explored the reasons why some people might choose to leave their homes to move to an unfamiliar place, and how difficult this can often be emotionally for these people, and how the movement of people can change both the migrants as well as their destination.



Throughout the process of reading, writing, and listening to stories of migration, students practiced improving their own storytelling skills. Students practiced creating well-developed characters, creating stories with a clear beginning, middle and end, and developing a problem and resolution within their text. In developing these stories, students worked through the writing process: planning their story, drafting, revising, editing, and finally publishing their finished work. This process provided students with ample opportunity to work on their English grammar skills including enriching their descriptions using adjectives and adverbs, practicing irregular verbs, and expanding their phonetic knowledge to sound out more unfamiliar words.


Research has demonstrated the positive impact that strong social-emotional learning (SEL) skills can have on student outcomes. Considering this, students have worked hard to build a classroom community that is supportive and welcoming to all.



This learning begins each day with greetings and conversations, and with acknowledgments that some days can be more challenging than others. Students also engage daily in challenging teambuilding mini-games. Students also engage once a week in the explicit teaching of SEL skills. These skills include managing our emotions, mindfulness, goal setting, and a growth mindset. Together, these skills increase student resilience, emotional stability, empathy, confidence, self-reliance and responsibility. Acquiring these skills early can help set students on the path to success.

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