首页新闻线上中华文化月 | 在春天 写下可爱的诗 SGA Chinese Culture Month

春寒虽料峭 春意却盎然

湾区小诗人 文采正飞扬

Chinese Culture Month


February, the beginning of spring, was also the Chinese Culture month of SGA. The significance of holding Chinese culture month is to carry forward the Chinese spirit and shape the Chinese soul. It is the essence of SGA to cultivate world citizens who embrace China’s 5000-year cultural heritage and are ready to work together for a shared future.

在春天 写下可爱的诗

Poems Bloom in Spring


Due to the pandemic situation, the first Poetry Festival of Chinese Culture Month at SGA transferred to an online activity, and we received many poems. Poetry is about the universe, children are born poets, and we invited all children, along with adults, to write poems in the spring. Students recorded their thinking on life at home. Some students sat beside the great rivers and mountains to write about our motherland. Some students stopped in the school playground under the bell tower to share their feelings. Some spoke for the ocean. Others sounded trumpets against the pandemic.



The Special Award

小学部 PYP

G1.1 谢瑞曼 Feynman

G2.2 邱俊杰 Kevin

G3.1 高振云 Eric

G4.1 林子竣 Zeon

G5.2 易宗翰 Jun


中学部 MYP

G6.2 吴泽尘 Serina

G6.2 王若钦 Roger

G7.1 黎汛仁 Yanny

G7.2 杨文瀚 Harry

G8 何铭炜 Jude



The cold winter will pass eventually, the warm spring will come soon. The pandemic is rampant, but we get together to start our online lessons on time. This is the special sense of belief that belongs to Chinese people. This belief has remained for thousands of years and contributes to the magnificent Chinese culture. This is one of the reasons why we hold Poetry Festivals; to convey truth, goodness, beauty and faith. During the SGA’s Poetry Festival 10 students won the prize of ‘Little Poet in the Bay area’, and 15 students won the ‘First Prize’ for poetry creation. Other activities and awards will be presented at SGA department meetings. We will renew the festival when spring fills the Bay Area!



The First Prize

小学部 PYP

G1.2 阿娃枇杷Ava

G1.2 李锦熙Jayden  

G2.1 赖小睿Mango

G2.1 刘安雅Anya

G3.1 宾辰瑞Cherie

G3.2 胡梓欣Joanna

G4.1 尤玮乐Weile

G4.1 吴翰博Hanbo

G5.1 张文昊William

G5.2 易宗翰Jun


中学部 MYP

G6.1 黄楦楹 Alice

G7.1 古浩然 Eason

G7.2 周艺珣 Michelle

G8 刘浩宇 David

G8 王嘉煜 Ella


The Special Award PYP


The Special Award MYP



Through studentspoems we can see how brilliant and creative our students are. We are looking forward to students returning to school so we can celebrate together!



Author/Li Jinting

翻译/王涵 滕飞

Translate/Chloe Felix

校对/罗景彤 Penny

Proofread/Rosie Penny



SGA Chinese Team