首页新闻SGA读书月-全球知名科幻作家访校 Ender's Game Creator (Author) Coming to Meet us Online!


Ender's Game Creator (Author) Coming to Meet us Online!

奥森·斯科特·卡德(Orson Scott Card),是当今美国科幻界最受人瞩目的人物之一。在科幻史上,从来没有人在两年内连续两次将“雨果奖”和“星云奖”两大科幻奖尽收囊中,直到卡德横空出世。1986年,他的《安德的游戏》囊括雨果奖、星云奖,1987年,其续集再次包揽了这两个世界科幻文学的最高奖项。


We will have Orson Scott Card visit our school virtually on April 18, 2023. Orson Scott Card is a famous author and writer of Ender's Game, the first and only person to win both the top science fiction awards, the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award in consecutive years.

Our MYP students who have an interest in writing and reading, or have read Ender's Game, will attend a Q&A session with Orson Scott Card. It's a great opportunity to conversate with a world-famous novel master. We believe that our students can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of reading and writing through this session.