首页新闻感悟传统文化 畅享游园之趣|深外湾区学校2024迎春游园会 Year of the Dragon Sundowner

感悟传统文化 畅享游园之趣|深外湾区学校2024迎春游园会 Year of the Dragon Sundowner

1月13日,深圳外国语学校(集团)湾区学校举办了2024中华文化月迎春游园会,超过六千名师生和来宾共赴一场别开生面的文化盛宴,流连在传统美食、趣味游园、精彩演出和科技体验中。本次游园活动主题为“胸怀华夏 龙腾苍穹 拥抱未来”。活动融合了中华传统文化和未来科技元素,展示了深外湾区学校兼具中国情怀与国际视野的多元融合校园文化。深圳市人大常委、深外(集团)党委书记、深外高中园联合党委书记罗来金,市教育局、坂田街道、腾讯青少年科技中心等领导出席活动。

On January 13th, SGA held the Year of Dragon Sundowner. Over six thousand students, teachers, and guests visited our campus, enjoying themselves in the delights of food, joyful amusement, and innovative technology experiences. The event combined traditional Chinese culture with futuristic technology, celebrating both Chinese heritage and a diverse global culture in SGA.

Theme Fair




We set up more than thirty themed booths around the campus and offered guests enjoyable expreiences with delicious foods, interesting games, and technology activities. Touring around the theme fair, you can get all kinds of traditional Chinese foods like Tanghulu and Chinese pastries, engage in traditional Chinese games like Chinese papercutting and sugar painting, or start a discovery journey exploring VR and 3D food printing.



From lion and dragon dances to martial arts, poetry performance, pop songs, and band performances, the SGA community prepared a variety of shows to welcome all the guests.

Surprise Event


As night fell, SGA specially organized a spectacular light show. The walls of our school gym were lit up with brilliant lights, displaying scenes depicting the prosperity of the ancient Silk Road and the "Belt and Road" initiative. These vividly projected stories inspired SGA students to be the inheritors to pass along cultural heritage and be the sailors to embrace the world.

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