首页新闻大师进校园|国际象棋特级大师叶江川、刘适兰对弈深外湾区小棋手 Chess Grandmasters Visit SGA

大师进校园|国际象棋特级大师叶江川、刘适兰对弈深外湾区小棋手 Chess Grandmasters Visit SGA


On January 16th, a special simultaneous chess game was held in SGA. Chess grandmasters Mr. Ye Jiangchuan and Ms. Liu Shilan visited SGA and competed in a friendly match with our students.




The game started to the anticipation of everyone. Two chess grandmasters moved from board to board to make a move each time. Our young players sat in front of the chessboard and waited with great excitement for their turn to play. They dedicated their full attention and made thoughtful moves. 


The half-hour simultaneous chess game provides a great opportunity for SGA students to experience the fun of chess and learn from the two chess grandmasters. Students all expressed admiration for the two grandmasters, and this motivates them to keep improving their chess skills.




SGA has been committed to chess education since its founding in 2017 and entitled the "Guangdong Provincial Chess Characteristic School" in 2021. At SGA, young chess enthusiasts can participate in chess ASA or join the school chess team, to improve their chess skills and take part in chess competitions. By developing chess culture, SGA aims to provide students with opportunities for overall development within the school community.

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